UK Biobank trait HPO phenotype category Other trait category Frequency of light DIY in last 4 weeks Activity Duration of light DIY Activity Frequency of friend/family visits Activity Time spent doing vigorous physical activity Activity Time spent doing moderate physical activity Activity Time spent doing light physical activity Activity Time spend outdoors in summer Activity Time spent outdoors in winter Activity Time spent watching television (TV) Activity Time spent using computer Activity Time spent driving Activity Drive faster than motorway speed limit Activity Length of mobile phone use Activity Weekly usage of mobile phone in last 3 months Activity Hands-free device/speakerphone use with mobile phone in last 3 month Activity Difference in mobile phone use compared to two years previously Activity Usual side of head for mobile phone use: Left Activity Usual side of head for mobile phone use: Right Activity Usual side of head for mobile phone use: Equally left and right Activity Getting up in morning Activity Nap during day Activity Plays computer games Activity Use of sun/uv protection Activity Frequency of solarium/sunlamp use Activity Frequency of heavy DIY in last 4 weeks Activity Duration of heavy DIY Activity Frequency of other exercises in last 4 weeks Activity Duration of other exercises Activity Leisure/social activities: Sports club or gym Activity Leisure/social activities: None of the above Activity Leisure/social activities: Pub or social club Activity Leisure/social activities: Religious group Activity Leisure/social activities: Adult education class Activity Leisure/social activities: Other group activity Activity Types of transport used (excluding work): Car/motor vehicle Activity Types of transport used (excluding work): None of the above Activity Types of transport used (excluding work): Walk Activity Types of transport used (excluding work): Public transport Activity Types of transport used (excluding work): Cycle Activity Types of physical activity in last 4 weeks: Walking for pleasure (not as a means of transport) Activity Types of physical activity in last 4 weeks: None of the above Activity "Types of physical activity in last 4 weeks: Other exercises (eg: swimming, cycling, keep fit, bowling)" Activity Types of physical activity in last 4 weeks: Strenuous sports Activity "Types of physical activity in last 4 weeks: Light DIY (eg: pruning, watering the lawn)" Activity "Types of physical activity in last 4 weeks: Heavy DIY (eg: weeding, lawn mowing, carpentry, digging)" Activity Number of days/week walked 10+ minutes Activity Duration of walks Activity Number of days/week of moderate physical activity 10+ minutes Activity Duration of moderate activity Activity Number of days/week of vigorous physical activity 10+ minutes Activity Duration of vigorous activity Activity Usual walking pace Activity Frequency of stair climbing in last 4 weeks Activity Frequency of walking for pleasure in last 4 weeks Activity Duration walking for pleasure Activity Frequency of strenuous sports in last 4 weeks Activity Food weight Dietary Energy Dietary Protein Dietary Fat Dietary Carbohydrate Dietary Saturated fat Dietary Polyunsaturated fat Dietary Total sugars Dietary Englyst dietary fibre Dietary Iron Dietary Vitamin B6 Dietary Vitamin B12 Dietary Folate Dietary Vitamin C Dietary Potassium Dietary Magnesium Dietary Retinol Dietary Carotene Dietary Vitamin D Dietary Alcohol Dietary Starch Dietary Calcium Dietary Vitamin E Dietary Duration of strenuous sports Dietary Drinking water intake Dietary Low calorie drink intake Dietary Fizzy drink intake Dietary Orange juice intake Dietary Coffee consumed Dietary Instant coffee intake Dietary Added milk to instant coffee Dietary Filtered coffee intake Dietary Added milk to filtered coffee Dietary Decaffeinated coffee Dietary Intake of sugar added to coffee Dietary Tea consumed Dietary Standard tea intake Dietary Added milk to standard tea Dietary Milk intake Dietary Alcohol consumed Dietary Red wine intake Dietary Rose wine intake Dietary White wine intake Dietary Beer/cider intake Dietary Fortified wine intake Dietary Spirits intake Dietary Breakfast cereal consumed Dietary Milk added to cereal Dietary Type milk consumed: did not have milk Dietary Type milk consumed: semiskimmed Dietary Type milk consumed: skimmed Dietary Type milk consumed: wholemilk Dietary Type milk consumed: soya with calcium Dietary Type milk consumed: soya without calcium Dietary Type milk consumed: goat/sheep milk Dietary Type milk consumed: powdered milk Dietary Bread consumed Dietary Yogurt/ice-cream consumers Dietary Dessert consumers Dietary Cake intake Dietary Sweet snack consumers Dietary Milk chocolate intake Dietary Dark chocolate intake Dietary Sweets intake Dietary Sweet biscuits intake Dietary Savoury snack consumers Dietary Unsalted nuts intake Dietary Crisp intake Dietary Starchy food consumers Dietary Cheese consumers Dietary Hard cheese intake Dietary Soft cheese intake Dietary Blue cheese intake Dietary Egg consumers Dietary Meat consumers Dietary Beef intake Dietary Poultry intake Dietary Bacon intake Dietary Fat removed from meat Dietary Fish consumer Dietary Vegetarian alternatives intake Dietary Vegetable consumers Dietary Fried potatoes intake Dietary Side salad intake Dietary Carrot intake Dietary Cucumber intake Dietary Lettuce intake Dietary Sweet pepper intake Dietary Fresh tomato intake Dietary Fruit consumers Dietary Apple intake Dietary Banana intake Dietary Orange intake Dietary Vitamin supplement user Dietary "Invitation to complete online 24-hour recall dietary questionnaire, acceptance" Dietary Cooked vegetable intake Dietary Salad / raw vegetable intake Dietary Fresh fruit intake Dietary Dried fruit intake Dietary Oily fish intake Dietary Non-oily fish intake Dietary Processed meat intake Dietary Lamb/mutton intake Dietary Pork intake Dietary Cheese intake Dietary Milk type used: Full cream Dietary Milk type used: Semi-skimmed Dietary Milk type used: Skimmed Dietary Milk type used: Soya Dietary Milk type used: Other type of milk Dietary Milk type used: Never/rarely have milk Dietary Spread type: Never/rarely use spread Dietary Spread type: Butter/spreadable butter Dietary Spread type: Flora Pro-Active/Benecol Dietary Spread type: Other type of spread/margarine Dietary Bread intake Dietary Bread type: White Dietary Bread type: Brown Dietary Bread type: Wholemeal or wholegrain Dietary Bread type: Other type of bread Dietary Cereal intake Dietary "Cereal type: Bran cereal (e.g. All Bran, Branflakes)" Dietary Cereal type: Biscuit cereal (e.g. Weetabix) Dietary "Cereal type: Oat cereal (e.g. Ready Brek, porridge)" Dietary Cereal type: Muesli Dietary "Cereal type: Other (e.g. Cornflakes, Frosties)" Dietary Salt added to food Dietary Tea intake Dietary Coffee intake Dietary Coffee type: Decaffeinated coffee (any type) Dietary Coffee type: Instant coffee Dietary "Coffee type: Ground coffee (include espresso, filter etc)" Dietary Coffee type: Other type of coffee Dietary Hot drink temperature Dietary Water intake Dietary Major dietary changes in the last 5 years: No Dietary "Major dietary changes in the last 5 years: Yes, because of illness" Dietary "Major dietary changes in the last 5 years: Yes, because of other reasons" Dietary Variation in diet Dietary Alcohol intake frequency. Dietary Average weekly red wine intake Dietary Average weekly champagne plus white wine intake Dietary Average weekly beer plus cider intake Dietary Average weekly spirits intake Dietary Average weekly fortified wine intake Dietary Alcohol usually taken with meals Dietary Alcohol intake versus 10 years previously Dietary Number of diet questionnaires completed Dietary Type of special diet followed: Low calorie Dietary Type of special diet followed: Vegetarian Dietary Type of special diet followed: Other Dietary Type of special diet followed: Gluten-free Dietary Type of special diet followed: Lactose-free Dietary Type of meals eaten: Takeaway meals Dietary Type of meals eaten: Restaurant meals Dietary Type of meals eaten: Bought sandwiches Dietary Type of meals eaten: Ready meals Dietary Type of meals eaten: Home cooked meals Dietary Type of fat/oil used in cooking: Cooking fat unknown Dietary Type of fat/oil used in cooking: Olive oil Dietary Type of fat/oil used in cooking: Sunflower oil Dietary Type of fat/oil used in cooking: Vegetable oil Dietary Type of fat/oil used in cooking: Rapeseed oil Dietary Type of fat/oil used in cooking: Other oil Dietary Type of fat/oil used in cooking: Butter Dietary Type of fat/oil used in cooking: Spreadable butter Dietary Type of fat/oil used in cooking: Low fat butter Dietary Type of fat/oil used in cooking: Normal fat butter Dietary Type of fat/oil used in cooking: Lard Dietary Type of fat/oil used in cooking: Olive spread Dietary Type of fat/oil used in cooking: Low fat olive spread for Dietary Type of fat/oil used in cooking: Normal fat olive spread Dietary Type of fat/oil used in cooking: Cholesterol lowering olive spread Dietary Type of fat/oil used in cooking: Polyunsaturated margarine Dietary Type of fat/oil used in cooking: Very low fat polyunsaturated margarine Dietary Type of fat/oil used in cooking: Low fat polyunsaturated margarine Dietary Type of fat/oil used in cooking: Normal fat polyunsaturated margarine Dietary Type of fat/oil used in cooking: Cholesterol lowering polyunsaturated margarine Dietary Type of fat/oil used in cooking: Dairy spread Dietary Type of fat/oil used in cooking: Low fat dairy spread Dietary Type of fat/oil used in cooking: Normal fat dairy spread Dietary Type of fat/oil used in cooking: Soya margarine Dietary Type of fat/oil used in cooking: Unknown/other soft margarine Dietary Type of fat/oil used in cooking: Normal fat soft margarine Dietary Type of fat/oil used in cooking: Unknown soft margarine Dietary Type of fat/oil used in cooking: Other type fat Dietary Size of white wine glass drunk: small (125ml) Dietary Size of white wine glass drunk: medium (175ml) Dietary Size of white wine glass drunk: large (250ml) Dietary Size of red wine glass drunk: small (125ml) Dietary Size of red wine glass drunk: medium (175ml) Dietary Size of red wine glass drunk: large (250ml) Dietary Size of rose wine glass drunk: small (125ml) Dietary Size of rose wine glass drunk: medium (175ml) Dietary Alcohol drinker status: Never Dietary Alcohol drinker status: Previous Dietary Alcohol drinker status: Current Dietary Amount of alcohol drunk on a typical drinking day Dietary Frequency of drinking alcohol Dietary Non-butter spread type details: Flora Pro-Active or Benecol Dietary Non-butter spread type details: Soft (tub) margarine Dietary Non-butter spread type details: Olive oil based spread (eg: Bertolli) Dietary Non-butter spread type details: Polyunsaturated/sunflower oil based spread (eg: Flora) Dietary Non-butter spread type details: Other low or reduced fat spread Dietary Non-butter spread type details: Other type of spread/margarine Dietary Caffeine drink within last hour Dietary Former alcohol drinker Dietary Reason former drinker stopped drinking alcohol: Illness or ill health Dietary Reason former drinker stopped drinking alcohol: Doctor's advice Dietary Reason former drinker stopped drinking alcohol: Health precaution Dietary Reason former drinker stopped drinking alcohol: Other reason Dietary Average monthly red wine intake Dietary Average monthly champagne plus white wine intake Dietary Average monthly beer plus cider intake Dietary Average monthly spirits intake Dietary Average monthly fortified wine intake Dietary Average monthly intake of other alcoholic drinks Dietary Average weekly intake of other alcoholic drinks Dietary "Never eat eggs, dairy, wheat, sugar: Eggs or foods containing eggs" Dietary "Never eat eggs, dairy, wheat, sugar: Dairy products" Dietary "Never eat eggs, dairy, wheat, sugar: Wheat products" Dietary "Never eat eggs, dairy, wheat, sugar: Sugar or foods/drinks containing sugar" Dietary "Never eat eggs, dairy, wheat, sugar: I eat all of the above" Dietary Current tobacco smoking Environmental exposure Past tobacco smoking Environmental exposure Smoking/smokers in household Environmental exposure Exposure to tobacco smoke at home Environmental exposure Exposure to tobacco smoke outside home Environmental exposure Smoking status: Never Environmental exposure Smoking status: Previous Environmental exposure Smoking status: Current Environmental exposure Ever smoked Environmental exposure Tobacco smoking: Smokes on most or all days Environmental exposure Tobacco smoking: Occasionally Environmental exposure Tobacco smoking: Ex-smoker Environmental exposure Tobacco smoking: Never smoked Environmental exposure Age of stopping smoking Environmental exposure Workplace very noisy: Rarely/never Environmental exposure Workplace very noisy: Sometimes Environmental exposure Workplace very noisy: Often Environmental exposure Workplace very cold: Rarely/never Environmental exposure Workplace very cold: Sometimes Environmental exposure Workplace very cold: Often Environmental exposure Workplace very hot: Rarely/never Environmental exposure Workplace very hot: Sometimes Environmental exposure Workplace very hot: Often Environmental exposure Workplace very dusty: Rarely/never Environmental exposure Workplace very dusty: Sometimes Environmental exposure Workplace very dusty: Often Environmental exposure Workplace full of chemical or other fumes: Rarely/never Environmental exposure Workplace full of chemical or other fumes: Sometimes Environmental exposure Workplace full of chemical or other fumes: Often Environmental exposure Workplace had a lot of cigarette smoke from other people smoking: Rarely/never Environmental exposure Workplace had a lot of cigarette smoke from other people smoking: Sometimes Environmental exposure Workplace had a lot of cigarette smoke from other people smoking: Often Environmental exposure Worked with materials containing asbestos: Rarely/never Environmental exposure Worked with materials containing asbestos: Sometimes Environmental exposure Worked with materials containing asbestos: Often Environmental exposure "Worked with paints, thinners or glues: Rarely/never" Environmental exposure "Worked with paints, thinners or glues: Sometimes" Environmental exposure "Worked with paints, thinners or glues: Often" Environmental exposure Worked with pesticides: Rarely/never Environmental exposure Worked with pesticides: Sometimes Environmental exposure Worked with pesticides: Often Environmental exposure Workplace had a lot of diesel exhaust: Rarely/never Environmental exposure Workplace had a lot of diesel exhaust: Sometimes Environmental exposure Workplace had a lot of diesel exhaust: Often Environmental exposure Breathing problems during period of job: No Environmental exposure Breathing problems during period of job: Yes Environmental exposure Breathing problems improved/stopped away from workplace or on holiday: No Environmental exposure Breathing problems improved/stopped away from workplace or on holiday: Yes Environmental exposure Breathing problems responsible for leaving job: No Environmental exposure Breathing problems responsible for leaving job: Yes Environmental exposure Nitrogen dioxide air pollution; 2010 Environmental exposure Nitrogen oxides air pollution; 2010 Environmental exposure Particulate matter air pollution (pm10); 2010 Environmental exposure Particulate matter air pollution (pm2.5); 2010 Environmental exposure Particulate matter air pollution (pm2.5) absorbance; 2010 Environmental exposure Particulate matter air pollution 2.5-10um; 2010 Environmental exposure Traffic intensity on the nearest road Environmental exposure Inverse distance to the nearest road Environmental exposure Traffic intensity on the nearest major road Environmental exposure Inverse distance to the nearest major road Environmental exposure Total traffic load on major roads Environmental exposure Close to major road Environmental exposure Sum of road length of major roads within 100m Environmental exposure Nitrogen dioxide air pollution; 2005 Environmental exposure Nitrogen dioxide air pollution; 2006 Environmental exposure Nitrogen dioxide air pollution; 2007 Environmental exposure Particulate matter air pollution (pm10); 2007 Environmental exposure Average daytime sound level of noise pollution Environmental exposure Average evening sound level of noise pollution Environmental exposure Average night-time sound level of noise pollution Environmental exposure Average 16-hour sound level of noise pollution Environmental exposure Average 24-hour sound level of noise pollution Environmental exposure "Light smokers, at least 100 smokes in lifetime" Environmental exposure Age started smoking in former smokers Environmental exposure Type of tobacco previously smoked: Manufactured cigarettes Environmental exposure Type of tobacco previously smoked: Hand-rolled cigarettes Environmental exposure Number of cigarettes previously smoked daily Environmental exposure Ever stopped smoking for 6+ months Environmental exposure Number of unsuccessful stop-smoking attempts Environmental exposure Likelihood of resuming smoking Environmental exposure Smoked cigarette or pipe within last hour Environmental exposure Age started smoking in current smokers Environmental exposure Type of tobacco currently smoked: Manufactured cigarettes Environmental exposure Type of tobacco currently smoked: Hand-rolled cigarettes Environmental exposure Number of cigarettes currently smoked daily (current cigarette smokers) Environmental exposure Time from waking to first cigarette Environmental exposure Difficulty not smoking for 1 day Environmental exposure Ever tried to stop smoking Environmental exposure Wants to stop smoking Environmental exposure Noisy workplace Environmental exposure Loud music exposure frequency Environmental exposure Gas or solid-fuel cooking/heating: A gas hob or gas cooker Environmental exposure Gas or solid-fuel cooking/heating: None of the above Environmental exposure Gas or solid-fuel cooking/heating: A gas fire that you use regularly in winter time Environmental exposure Gas or solid-fuel cooking/heating: An open solid fuel fire that you use regularly in winter time Environmental exposure Heating type(s) in home: Gas central heating Environmental exposure Heating type(s) in home: None of the above Environmental exposure Heating type(s) in home: Electric storage heaters Environmental exposure Heating type(s) in home: Oil (kerosene) central heating Environmental exposure Heating type(s) in home: Portable gas or paraffin heaters Environmental exposure Heating type(s) in home: Solid fuel central heating Environmental exposure Heating type(s) in home: Open fire without central heating Environmental exposure Why stopped smoking: Illness or ill health Environmental exposure Why stopped smoking: None of the above Environmental exposure Why stopped smoking: Doctor's advice Environmental exposure Why stopped smoking: Health precaution Environmental exposure Why stopped smoking: Financial reasons Environmental exposure Why reduced smoking: Illness or ill health Environmental exposure Why reduced smoking: None of the above Environmental exposure Why reduced smoking: Doctor's advice Environmental exposure Why reduced smoking: Health precaution Environmental exposure Why reduced smoking: Financial reasons Environmental exposure "Diagnoses - main ICD10: T39 Poisoning by nonopioid analgesics, antipyretics and antirheumatics" Environmental exposure Diagnoses - main ICD10: T40 Poisoning by narcotics and psychodysleptics [hallucinogens] Environmental exposure "Diagnoses - main ICD10: T42 Poisoning by antiepileptic, sedative-hypnotic and anti-Parkinsonism drugs" Environmental exposure "Diagnoses - main ICD10: T43 Poisoning by psychotropic drugs, not elsewhere classified" Environmental exposure "Diagnoses - main ICD10: T50 Poisoning by diuretics and other and unspecified drugs, medicaments and biological substances" Environmental exposure Place of birth in UK - north co-ordinate Family/medical history Place of birth in UK - east co-ordinate Family/medical history "Number of operations, self-reported" Family/medical history Number of treatments/medications taken Family/medical history Breastfed as a baby Family/medical history Adopted as a child Family/medical history Part of a multiple birth Family/medical history Maternal smoking around birth Family/medical history Father still alive Family/medical history Father's age at death Family/medical history Mother still alive Family/medical history Number of full brothers Family/medical history Number of full sisters Family/medical history Townsend deprivation index at recruitment Family/medical history "Non-cancer illness code, self-reported: unclassifiable" Family/medical history Home location at assessment - east co-ordinate (rounded) Family/medical history Home location at assessment - north co-ordinate (rounded) Family/medical history Day-of-week questionnaire completion requested: Monday Family/medical history Day-of-week questionnaire completion requested: Tuesday Family/medical history Day-of-week questionnaire completion requested: Wednesday Family/medical history Day-of-week questionnaire completion requested: Thursday Family/medical history Day-of-week questionnaire completion requested: Friday Family/medical history Day-of-week questionnaire completion requested: Saturday Family/medical history Illnesses of father: Heart disease Family/medical history Illnesses of father: Alzheimer's disease/dementia Family/medical history Illnesses of father: None of the above (group 1) Family/medical history Illnesses of father: None of the above (group 2) Family/medical history Illnesses of father: Parkinson's disease Family/medical history Illnesses of father: Severe depression Family/medical history Illnesses of father: Prostate cancer Family/medical history Illnesses of father: Stroke Family/medical history Illnesses of father: Lung cancer Family/medical history Illnesses of father: Bowel cancer Family/medical history Illnesses of father: Chronic bronchitis/emphysema Family/medical history Illnesses of father: High blood pressure Family/medical history Illnesses of father: Diabetes Family/medical history Illnesses of mother: Heart disease Family/medical history Illnesses of mother: Alzheimer's disease/dementia Family/medical history Illnesses of mother: None of the above (group 1) Family/medical history Illnesses of mother: None of the above (group 2) Family/medical history Illnesses of mother: Parkinson's disease Family/medical history Illnesses of mother: Severe depression Family/medical history Illnesses of mother: Stroke Family/medical history Illnesses of mother: Lung cancer Family/medical history Illnesses of mother: Bowel cancer Family/medical history Illnesses of mother: Breast cancer Family/medical history Illnesses of mother: Chronic bronchitis/emphysema Family/medical history Illnesses of mother: High blood pressure Family/medical history Illnesses of mother: Diabetes Family/medical history Illnesses of siblings: Heart disease Family/medical history Illnesses of siblings: Alzheimer's disease/dementia Family/medical history Illnesses of siblings: None of the above (group 1) Family/medical history Illnesses of siblings: None of the above (group 2) Family/medical history Illnesses of siblings: Parkinson's disease Family/medical history Illnesses of siblings: Severe depression Family/medical history Illnesses of siblings: Prostate cancer Family/medical history Illnesses of siblings: Stroke Family/medical history Illnesses of siblings: Lung cancer Family/medical history Illnesses of siblings: Bowel cancer Family/medical history Illnesses of siblings: Breast cancer Family/medical history Illnesses of siblings: Chronic bronchitis/emphysema Family/medical history Illnesses of siblings: High blood pressure Family/medical history Illnesses of siblings: Diabetes Family/medical history Home area population density - urban or rural: Scotland - Large Urban Area Family/medical history Home area population density - urban or rural: Scotland - Other Urban Area Family/medical history Home area population density - urban or rural: Scotland - Accessible Small Town Family/medical history Home area population density - urban or rural: Scotland - Accessible Rural Family/medical history Home area population density - urban or rural: England/Wales - Urban - less sparse Family/medical history Home area population density - urban or rural: England/Wales - Town and Fringe - less sparse Family/medical history Home area population density - urban or rural: England/Wales - Village - less sparse Family/medical history Home area population density - urban or rural: England/Wales - Hamlet and Isolated Dwelling - less sparse Family/medical history Ever taken cannabis Family/medical history Maximum frequency of taking cannabis Family/medical history Age when last took cannabis Family/medical history Felt hated by family member as a child Family/medical history Physically abused by family as a child Family/medical history Felt loved as a child Family/medical history Sexually molested as a child Family/medical history Someone to take to doctor when needed as a child Family/medical history Belittlement by partner or ex-partner as an adult Family/medical history Been in a confiding relationship as an adult Family/medical history Physical violence by partner or ex-partner as an adult Family/medical history Sexual interference by partner or ex-partner without consent as an adult Family/medical history Able to pay rent/mortgage as an adult Family/medical history Been in serious accident believed to be life-threatening Family/medical history Been involved in combat or exposed to war-zone Family/medical history Diagnosed with life-threatening illness Family/medical history Victim of physically violent crime Family/medical history Witnessed sudden violent death Family/medical history Victim of sexual assault Family/medical history Answered sexual history questions Family/medical history Age first had sexual intercourse Family/medical history Lifetime number of sexual partners Family/medical history Ever had same-sex intercourse Family/medical history Overall health rating Family/medical history "Long-standing illness, disability or infirmity" Family/medical history Year ended full time education Family/medical history Home location - east co-ordinate (rounded) Family/medical history Home location - north co-ordinate (rounded) Family/medical history Ever had bowel cancer screening Family/medical history Most recent bowel cancer screening Family/medical history Other serious medical condition/disability diagnosed by doctor Family/medical history Mother's age at death Family/medical history "Detention categories: Informal, not formally detained" Family/medical history "Detention categories: Formally detained under Part II, Mental Health Act 1983" Family/medical history Hospital episode type: General episode Family/medical history Destinations on discharge from hospital (recoded): Usual Place of residence Family/medical history Destinations on discharge from hospital (recoded): Usual Place of residence: Living with relatives Family/medical history Destinations on discharge from hospital (recoded): Usual Place of residence: Living alone Family/medical history Destinations on discharge from hospital (recoded): Temporary place of residence Family/medical history Destinations on discharge from hospital (recoded): High security psychiatric hospital: NHS Family/medical history Destinations on discharge from hospital (recoded): Transfer to other NHS provider Family/medical history "Destinations on discharge from hospital (recoded): Transfer to other NHS provider: General ward, young physically disabled, A&E" Family/medical history "Destinations on discharge from hospital (recoded): Transfer to other NHS provider: Psychiatry, learning disabilities" Family/medical history Destinations on discharge from hospital (recoded): Transfer within NHS provider Family/medical history Destinations on discharge from hospital (recoded): Transfer within NHS provider: Surgical specialty Family/medical history Destinations on discharge from hospital (recoded): Transfer within NHS provider: Medical specialty Family/medical history "Destinations on discharge from hospital (recoded): Nursing, residential care, group home: NHS" Family/medical history "Destinations on discharge from hospital (recoded): Nursing, residential care, group home: Local Authoritory" Family/medical history "Destinations on discharge from hospital (recoded): Nursing, residential care, group home: Non-NHS" Family/medical history Destinations on discharge from hospital (recoded): Other hospital: Non-NHS Family/medical history Non-accidental death in close genetic family Family/medical history Happiness Family/medical history Work/job satisfaction Family/medical history Health satisfaction Family/medical history Family relationship satisfaction Family/medical history Friendships satisfaction Family/medical history Financial situation satisfaction Family/medical history Private healthcare Family/medical history Number of older siblings Family/medical history Qualifications: College or University degree Family/medical history Qualifications: None of the above Family/medical history Qualifications: A levels/AS levels or equivalent Family/medical history Qualifications: O levels/GCSEs or equivalent Family/medical history Qualifications: CSEs or equivalent Family/medical history Qualifications: NVQ or HND or HNC or equivalent Family/medical history "Qualifications: Other professional qualifications eg: nursing, teaching" Family/medical history "How are people in household related to participant: Husband, wife or partner" Family/medical history How are people in household related to participant: Son and/or daughter (include step-children) Family/medical history How are people in household related to participant: Brother and/or sister Family/medical history How are people in household related to participant: Mother and/or father Family/medical history How are people in household related to participant: Grandparent Family/medical history How are people in household related to participant: Grandchild Family/medical history How are people in household related to participant: Other related Family/medical history How are people in household related to participant: Other unrelated Family/medical history "Illness, injury, bereavement, stress in last 2 years: Serious illness, injury or assault to yourself" Family/medical history "Illness, injury, bereavement, stress in last 2 years: None of the above" Family/medical history "Illness, injury, bereavement, stress in last 2 years: Serious illness, injury or assault of a close relative" Family/medical history "Illness, injury, bereavement, stress in last 2 years: Death of a close relative" Family/medical history "Illness, injury, bereavement, stress in last 2 years: Death of a spouse or partner" Family/medical history "Illness, injury, bereavement, stress in last 2 years: Marital separation/divorce" Family/medical history "Illness, injury, bereavement, stress in last 2 years: Financial difficulties" Family/medical history Attendance/disability/mobility allowance: Attendance allowance Family/medical history Attendance/disability/mobility allowance: None of the above Family/medical history Attendance/disability/mobility allowance: Disability living allowance Family/medical history Attendance/disability/mobility allowance: Blue badge Family/medical history Type of accommodation lived in: A house or bungalow Family/medical history "Type of accommodation lived in: A flat, maisonette or apartment" Family/medical history Type of accommodation lived in: Mobile or temporary structure (i.e. caravan) Family/medical history Type of accommodation lived in: Sheltered accommodation Family/medical history Own or rent accommodation lived in: Own outright (by you or someone in your household) Family/medical history Own or rent accommodation lived in: Own with a mortgage Family/medical history "Own or rent accommodation lived in: Rent - from local authority, local council, housing association" Family/medical history Own or rent accommodation lived in: Rent - from private landlord or letting agency Family/medical history Own or rent accommodation lived in: Pay part rent and part mortgage (shared ownership) Family/medical history Own or rent accommodation lived in: Live in accommodation rent free Family/medical history Length of time at current address Family/medical history Number in household Family/medical history Number of vehicles in household Family/medical history Average total household income before tax Family/medical history Age completed full time education Family/medical history Medication related adverse effects Family/medical history Any ICDMAIN event in hilmo or causes of death Family/medical history Diagnoses - main ICD10: R69 Unknown and unspecified causes of morbidity Family/medical history Diagnoses - main ICD10: R93 Abnormal findings on diagnostic imaging of other body structures Family/medical history Diagnoses - main ICD10: R94 Abnormal results of function studies Family/medical history "Diagnoses - main ICD10: T78 Adverse effects, not elsewhere classified" Family/medical history "Diagnoses - main ICD10: T81 Complications of procedures, not elsewhere classified" Family/medical history "Injury, poisoning and certain other consequences of external causes" Family/medical history "Congenital malformations, deformations and chromosomal abnormalities" Family/medical history "Symptoms, signs and abnormal clinical and laboratory findings, not elsewhere classified" Family/medical history External causes of morbidity and mortality Family/medical history Factors influencing health status and contact with health services Family/medical history Diagnoses - main ICD10: Z00 General examination and investigation of persons without complaint or reported diagnosis Family/medical history Diagnoses - main ICD10: Z01 Other special examinations and investigations of persons without complaint or reported diagnosis Family/medical history Diagnoses - main ICD10: Z03 Medical observation and evaluation for suspected diseases and conditions Family/medical history Diagnoses - main ICD10: Z04 Examination and observation for other reasons Family/medical history Diagnoses - main ICD10: Z13 Special screening examination for other diseases and disorders Family/medical history Diagnoses - main ICD10: Z30 Contraceptive management Family/medical history Diagnoses - main ICD10: Z42 Follow-up care involving plastic surgery Family/medical history Diagnoses - main ICD10: Z45 Adjustment and management of implanted device Family/medical history Diagnoses - main ICD10: Z46 Fitting and adjustment of other devices Family/medical history Diagnoses - main ICD10: Z48 Other surgical follow-up care Family/medical history Diagnoses - main ICD10: Z50 Care involving use of rehabilitation procedures Family/medical history Diagnoses - main ICD10: Z52 Donors of organs and tissues Family/medical history "Diagnoses - main ICD10: Z53 Persons encountering health services for specifie procedures, not carried out" Family/medical history Diagnoses - main ICD10: Z80 Family history of malignant neoplasm Family/medical history Diagnoses - main ICD10: Z87 Personal history of other diseases and conditions Family/medical history Treatment/medication code: gtn 400micrograms spray Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: calcium+vitamin d 500units tablet Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: multivitamins Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: lisinopril Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: ramipril Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: glyceryl trinitrate Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: nitrolingual 400micrograms spray Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: isosorbide mononitrate Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: nifedipine Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: adalat 5mg capsule Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: coracten sr 10mg m/r capsule Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: tildiem 60mg m/r tablet Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: adizem-60 m/r tablet Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: lacidipine Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: dipyridamole Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: aspirin 75mg tablet Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: bezafibrate Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: fenofibrate Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: simvastatin Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: ventolin 100micrograms inhaler Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: salamol 100micrograms inhaler Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: salmeterol Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: serevent 25mcg inhaler Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: bricanyl 250mcg inhaler Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: atrovent 20micrograms inhaler Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: becotide 50 inhaler Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: beclazone 50 inhaler Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: budesonide Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: pulmicort ls 50micrograms inhaler Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: piriton 4mg tablet Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: loratadine Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: clarityn 10mg tablet Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: zopiclone Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: diazepam Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: temazepam Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: flixotide 25micrograms inhaler Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: lansoprazole Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: tramadol Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: viscotears liquid eye gel Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: zolpidem Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: fybogel mebeverine sachet Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: gaviscon liquid Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: cimetidine Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: mesalazine Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: asacol 400mg e/c tablet Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: pentasa sr 250mg m/r tablet Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: omeprazole Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: salazopyrin 500mg tablet Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: senna Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: ispaghula husk Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: lactulose product Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: indapamide Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: frusemide Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: bendrofluazide Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: spironolactone Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: bumetanide Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: atenolol Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: lithium product Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: priadel 200mg m/r tablet Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: prozac 20mg capsule Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: sertraline Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: paroxetine Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: prochlorperazine Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: aspirin Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: methotrexate Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: azathioprine Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: ferrous sulphate Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: folic acid product Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: vitamin b12 preparation Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: calcium salts Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: calcichew 1.25g chewable tablet Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: vitamin d product Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: alfacalcidol Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: vitamin b compound tablet Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: calcichew d3 tablet Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: vitamin e product Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: voltarol 25mg e/c tablet Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: arthrotec tablet Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: ibuprofen Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: naproxen Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: naprosyn 250mg tablet Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: solpadol caplet Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: tegretol 100mg tablet Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: epanutin 25mg capsule Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: clonazepam Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: sodium valproate Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: epilim 100mg crushable tablet Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: gabapentin Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: lamotrigine Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: doxycycline Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: oxytetracycline Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: erythromycin Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: trimethoprim Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: aciclovir Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: quinine Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: glucophage 500mg tablet Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: gliclazide Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: betamethasone Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: thyroxine sodium Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: hydrocortisone Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: prednisolone Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: allopurinol Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: baclofen Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: timolol 0.25% eye drops Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: hypromellose Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: flixonase 50micrograms aqueous nasal spray Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: beconase 50micrograms nasal spray Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: aqueous cream bp Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: multivitamin+mineral preparations Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: diclofenac sodium+misoprostol Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: diprobase cream Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: e45 cream Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: ranitidine Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: mebeverine Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: domperidone Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: loperamide Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: metoclopramide Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: fluoxetine Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: amitriptyline Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: trazodone Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: bisoprolol Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: doxazosin Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: terbutaline Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: amlodipine Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: diltiazem Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: metoprolol Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: propranolol Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: sotalol Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: timolol Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: lacri-lube eye ointment Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: adalate 10mg capsule Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: salbutamol Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: seroxat 20mg tablet Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: paracetamol + codeine Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: betnovate cream Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: dermovate cream Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: eumovate cream Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: insulin product Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: cetirizine Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: ipratropium Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: oxybutynin Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: pizotifen Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: selenium product Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: hydroxychloroquine Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: sumatriptan Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: codeine Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: dihydrocodeine Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: diclofenac Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: thyroxine product Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: metformin Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: beclomethasone Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: trimovate ointment Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: elocon cream Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: fluticasone Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: mometasone Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: warfarin Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: thiamine preparation Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: iron product Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: verapamil Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: zinc product Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: enalapril Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: perindopril Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: flecainide Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: felodipine Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: pravastatin Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: betahistine Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: losec 10mg capsule Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: cod liver oil capsule Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: sulfasalazine Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: furosemide Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: vitamin c product Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: multivitamins capsule Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: beclometasone Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: sodium cromoglicate Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: dosulepin Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: nicorandil Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: sodium warfarin Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: selenium ace tablet Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: flax oil tablet Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: garlic product Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: ginkgo forte tablet Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: ginseng product Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: venlafaxine Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: losartan Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: evening primrose oil Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: citalopram Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: dicloflex 25mg e/c tablet Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: alendronate sodium Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: co-tenidone Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: co-codamol Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: co-dydramol Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: co-amilofruse Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: gtn - glyceryl trinitrate Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: zoton 15mg capsule Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: movicol oral powder Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: salbutamol 100micrograms spacehaler Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: meloxicam Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: adizem-xl plus m/r capsule Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: arthrotec 50 tablet Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: terbinafine Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: epaderm ointment Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: ropinirole Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: moxonidine Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: olanzapine Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: pantoprazole Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: valsartan Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: diovan 40mg capsule Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: minerals - magnesium Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: lipitor 10mg tablet Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: latanoprost Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: xalatan 0.005% eye drops Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: atorvastatin Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: fexofenadine Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: calcium carbonate+cholecalciferol 1.25g/200iu tablet Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: nasonex 0.05% aqueous nasal spray Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: losartan potassium+hydrochlorothiazide 50mg/12.5mg tablet Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: glimepiride Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: mirtazapine Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: irbesartan Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: aprovel 75mg tablet Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: lercanidipine Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: candesartan cilexetil Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: amias 2mg tablet Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: montelukast product Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: glyceryl trinitrate product Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: hydrocortisone product Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: salbutamol product Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: tolterodine l-tartrate Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: detrusitol 1mg tablet Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: salmeterol+fluticasone propionate Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: nebivolol Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: adcal-d3 1.5g/10micrograms chewable tablet Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: telmisartan Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: colofac-100 tablet Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: qvar 50 inhaler Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: clopidogrel Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: migraleve tablet Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: rabeprazole sodium Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: pariet 10mg e/c tablet Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: orlistat Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: xenical 120mg capsule Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: peptac liquid Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: cosopt 2%/0.5% eye drops Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: cardicor 1.25mg tablet Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: eprosartan Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: pioglitazone Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: adcal 600mg chewable tablet Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: desloratadine Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: neoclarityn 5mg tablet Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: hydroxocobalamin Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: symbicort 100/6 turbohaler Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: risedronate sodium Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: celecoxib Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: seretide 50 evohaler Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: esomeprazole Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: nexium 20mg tablet Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: rosiglitazone Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: bimatoprost Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: lumigan 0.3mg/ml eye drops Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: cozaar 25mg tablet Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: dovobet ointment Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: fybogel orange s/f granules Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: etoricoxib Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: escitalopram Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: amoxicillin Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: omacor 1g capsule Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: tiotropium Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: spiriva 18micrograms inhalation capsule Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: travatan 40micrograms/ml eye drops Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: simvador 10mg tablet Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: glucosamine product Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: levothyroxine sodium Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: respiratory mometasone Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: rosuvastatin Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: crestor 10mg tablet Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: ezetimibe Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: ezetrol 10mg tablet Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: rino clenil 50micrograms nasal spray Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: olmesartan Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: bendroflumethiazide Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: budesonide+formoterol Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: pregabalin Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: solifenacin Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: duloxetine Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: chondroitin product Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: co-enzyme q10/ubiquinone/bio-quinone/coenzyme q10 Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: omega-3/fish oil supplement Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: food supplement/plant/herbal extract Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: st john's wort/hypericum [ctsu] Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: carbamazepine Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: digoxin Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: phenytoin Medication/supplements Treatment/medication code: paracetamol Medication/supplements "Treatment/medication code: Free-text entry, unable to be coded" Medication/supplements Vitamin and/or mineral supplement use: Multivitamin Medication/supplements Vitamin and/or mineral supplement use: Multivitamin with iron Medication/supplements Vitamin and/or mineral supplement use: Multivitamin with multimineral Medication/supplements Vitamin and/or mineral supplement use: Fish oil Medication/supplements Vitamin and/or mineral supplement use: Glucosamine/chondroitin Medication/supplements Vitamin and/or mineral supplement use: Evening primrose Medication/supplements Vitamin and/or mineral supplement use: Vitamin A Medication/supplements Vitamin and/or mineral supplement use: Vitamin B6 Medication/supplements Vitamin and/or mineral supplement use: Vitamin B12 Medication/supplements Vitamin and/or mineral supplement use: Vitamin C Medication/supplements Vitamin and/or mineral supplement use: Vitamin D Medication/supplements Vitamin and/or mineral supplement use: Vitamin E Medication/supplements Vitamin and/or mineral supplement use: Folic acid Medication/supplements Vitamin and/or mineral supplement use: Magnesium Medication/supplements Vitamin and/or mineral supplement use: Selenium Medication/supplements Vitamin and/or mineral supplement use: Calcium Medication/supplements Vitamin and/or mineral supplement use: Iron Medication/supplements Vitamin and/or mineral supplement use: Zinc Medication/supplements Vitamin and/or mineral supplement use: Other vitamin Medication/supplements Taking other prescription medications Medication/supplements "Medication for pain relief, constipation, heartburn: Aspirin" Medication/supplements "Medication for pain relief, constipation, heartburn: None of the above" Medication/supplements "Medication for pain relief, constipation, heartburn: Ibuprofen (e.g. Nurofen)" Medication/supplements "Medication for pain relief, constipation, heartburn: Paracetamol" Medication/supplements "Medication for pain relief, constipation, heartburn: Ranitidine (e.g. Zantac)" Medication/supplements "Medication for pain relief, constipation, heartburn: Omeprazole (e.g. Zanprol)" Medication/supplements "Medication for pain relief, constipation, heartburn: Laxatives (e.g. Dulcolax, Senokot)" Medication/supplements Vitamin and mineral supplements: Vitamin A Medication/supplements Vitamin and mineral supplements: None of the above Medication/supplements Vitamin and mineral supplements: Vitamin B Medication/supplements Vitamin and mineral supplements: Vitamin C Medication/supplements Vitamin and mineral supplements: Vitamin D Medication/supplements Vitamin and mineral supplements: Vitamin E Medication/supplements Vitamin and mineral supplements: Folic acid or Folate (Vit B9) Medication/supplements Vitamin and mineral supplements: Multivitamins +/- minerals Medication/supplements Mineral and other dietary supplements: Fish oil (including cod liver oil) Medication/supplements Mineral and other dietary supplements: None of the above Medication/supplements Mineral and other dietary supplements: Glucosamine Medication/supplements Mineral and other dietary supplements: Calcium Medication/supplements Mineral and other dietary supplements: Zinc Medication/supplements Mineral and other dietary supplements: Iron Medication/supplements Mineral and other dietary supplements: Selenium Medication/supplements Number of jobs held Occupation "Job coding: senior official in central government including members of the senior civil service and the equivalent in the diplomatic service, mps, meps" Occupation "Job coding: director or chief executive of private organisation/company, company chairman or president, general manager" Occupation "Job coding: senior official in local government including parish or town or county chief clerk, chief or superintendent rate collector, chief executive or director, councillor" Occupation "Job coding: senior official of special interest organisation including general manager or director or executive or general secretary of charity, or trade union/association or religious organisation" Occupation "Job coding: sales or marketing manager/director, export/import manager, business development manager, advertising/commercial manager" Occupation "Job coding: advertising or public relations manager, media/publicity manager, campaign/fundraising manager" Occupation "Job coding: personnel, human resources, training or industrial relations manager/director, recruitment manager/director" Occupation "Job coding: ict or it manager, systems/data processing manager, telecom manager" Occupation Job coding: research or laboratory manager Occupation "Job coding: customer care/relations manager, help desk manager" Occupation "Job coding: bank manager, bank section manager, building society manager, post/sub-post office manager" Occupation "Job coding: office manager, account/payrolls manager, administration manager, litigation/solicitor's office manager" Occupation "Job coding: retail or wholesale shop manager, showroom manager" Occupation Job coding: officer in armed forces Occupation "Job coding: hospital manager, health service manager, clinical manager, nursing service manager" Occupation "Job coding: social services manager, community care manager, welfare services manager" Occupation "Job coding: hotel or guesthouse owner/manager; hostel warden, holiday camp manager, caravan/camping site owner/manager" Occupation "Job coding: restaurant or catering manager, restaurateur; canteen manager; takeaway food shop manager" Occupation "Job coding: publican or manager of licensed premises, licensee, wine bar manager" Occupation Job coding: property/housing/land manager Occupation "Job coding: shopkeeper, shop owner, newsagent, wholesale/retail dealer" Occupation "Job coding: chemist (analytic, developmental, industrial, research)" Occupation "Job coding: biologist, botanist, entomologist, zoologist, ecologist, microbiologist/pathologist/virologist/geneticist (not medically qualified)" Occupation "Job coding: biochemist, medical laboratory scientific officer" Occupation "Job coding: physicist, astronomer, geologist, geophysicist, meteorologist, oceanographer, seismologist" Occupation "Job coding: it strategy or planning professional, computer consultant, software consultant" Occupation "Job coding: software professional, analyst-programmer, computer programmer, software analyst or engineer, systems designer or programmer" Occupation "Job coding: medical doctor, general practitioner, hospital consultant" Occupation "Job coding: pharmacist, pharmacologist, pharmaceutical chemist" Occupation "Job coding: dentist, dental surgeon, orthodontist, periodontist" Occupation Job coding: university lecturer/professor Occupation "Job coding: higher education teaching professional, university lecturer/professor (including college/university head/vice chancellor)" Occupation "Job coding: further education teaching professional, college lecturer/professor" Occupation "Job coding: education officer, director of education, curriculum development officer" Occupation Job coding: secondary school teacher or teaching professional (including head teacher) Occupation "Job coding: primary /junior school teacher or teaching professional, nursery school teacher (including head teacher)" Occupation Job coding: special needs teaching professional (including head teacher) Occupation "Job coding: registrar or senior administrator of educational establishment, bursar, registrar, university administrator" Occupation "Job coding: other teaching professional including private tutor, tefl (teaching english as a foreign language) teacher; tutor at adult education centre, etc." Occupation "Job coding: scientific researcher, scientific officer, medical research associate, experimental officer" Occupation "Job coding: social science researcher, anthropologist, sociologist, archaeologist, behavioural scientist, epidemiologist, government survey officer" Occupation Job coding: university research fellow or assistant/associate Occupation "Job coding: solicitor, lawyer, barrister, judge, coroner, articled clerk, attorney, advocate, stipendiary magistrate, fiscal/crown prosecutor, sheriff (scottish courts), legal services recorder" Occupation "Job coding: chartered/certified accountant, auditor, company accountant, articled/audit clerk, official receiver" Occupation "Job coding: management accountant, works accountant, cost accountant" Occupation "Job coding: management consultant, actuary, economist, statistician, statistical controller/assistant, business analyst, demographer, economic forecaster" Occupation "Job coding: architect, landscape architect/designer, structural designer" Occupation Job coding: civil service senior manager outside the senior civil service (former grades 6 and 7) Occupation "Job coding: social worker, child care/protection officer, adoption officer, mental health officer, almoner, family case worker" Occupation Job coding: clergyman/woman; any religious officer/leader Occupation "Job coding: librarian, assistant librarian" Occupation "Job coding: laboratory technician, scientific assistant, cytology screener; hospital, medical or health technician" Occupation Job coding: laboratory technician Occupation "Job coding: other science technician, materials technician, technical assistant, technical officer" Occupation "Job coding: it operations technician, computer operator or technician, database manager, network or web technician, web master, systems administrator or officer" Occupation "Job coding: it user support technician, help desk or helpline operator (computing), support technician (computing), systems support officer" Occupation "Job coding: nurse (of any kind, at any level)" Occupation "Job coding: community worker, day centre officer, youth leader, youth worker, parish worker, bail support officer" Occupation Job coding: non-commissioned officers or other rank of armed forces Occupation Job coding: police officer (sergeant or below) Occupation "Job coding: arts officer, producer, director; entertainment/artists'/theatrical agent; studio manager, prompter" Occupation "Job coding: graphic designer, commercial artist, desktop publishing artist, illuminator" Occupation "Job coding: journalist, reporter, newspaper correspondent, sports writer, newspaper or magazine editor" Occupation "Job coding: broadcasting professional, broadcaster, news reporter; radio or television journalist, director or producer" Occupation "Job coding: photographer and audio-visual equipment operator, cameraman, film technician, sound or light engineer, projectionist" Occupation "Job coding: sports coach, instructor, trainer, or manager" Occupation "Job coding: broker, financial/insurance broker, foreign exchange dealer, ship/marine broker, stockbroker, commodity trader" Occupation "Job coding: insurance underwriter, insurance inspector, insurance account handler" Occupation "Job coding: financial adviser/agent/consultant, investment analyst, mortgage consultant, financier, pension advisor" Occupation Job coding: taxation accountant or adviser or consultant or practitioner Occupation "Job coding: financial controller, accounting/audit technician, trust officer" Occupation "Job coding: management information officer, conference/events co-ordinator/organiser, exhibition officer, work study engineer/officer/analyst, contract adviser/agent, election agent, business system analyst" Occupation "Job coding: buyer, purchasing/procurement officer, supply officer" Occupation "Job coding: sales or marketing representative, manufacturer's agent or representative or salesman/woman" Occupation "Job coding: marketing research professional, marketing consultant, promotions or advertising consultant, fundraiser consultant, appeals organiser" Occupation "Job coding: public service higher/senior executive officer, hospital administrator" Occupation "Job coding: personnel or industrial relations officer, recruitment consultant" Occupation "Job coding: vocational or industrial trainer/instructor, craft instructor, apprentice instructor" Occupation "Job coding: civil service executive officer, revenue/tax executive or officer, fraud inspector or officer, job centre adviser" Occupation "Job coding: civil service administrative officer or assistant or clerk, tax collector, prison service clerk, law courts clerk" Occupation Job coding: local government administrative officer or assistant or clerk Occupation "Job coding: officer of ngo, trade union organiser/official, charity administrator, secretary of research or charity or political or professional or trade association or trade union" Occupation "Job coding: accounts and wages clerk/assistant/supervisor, bookkeeper, cost or ledger clerk, audit assistant, budget officer, student loans officer, paymaster" Occupation "Job coding: counter clerk, bank clerk, cashier, post office clerk" Occupation "Job coding: filing clerk, records assistant/clerk" Occupation "Job coding: pensions and insurance clerk/administrator, claims handler" Occupation "Job coding: general office assistant/clerk, clerical officer, clerk-typist, office supervisor, press/newspaper corrector/reader" Occupation "Job coding: gardener, groundsman/groundswoman, park keeper, landscape gardener, greenkeeper, turf cutter" Occupation "Job coding: chef, cook, caterer" Occupation "Job coding: nursing auxiliary or assistant, steriliser of medical equipment, occupational therapy assistant, phlebotomist, physiotherapy assistant, ward orderly, ward assistant" Occupation "Job coding: houseparent, child careworker, residential warden, sheltered accommodation warden, foster parent" Occupation "Job coding: care assistant, home care assistant, residential social worker, home carer, nursing home assistant" Occupation "Job coding: educational assistant, classroom assistant, special needs helper" Occupation "Job coding: sales assistant, retail/shop assistant, counter assistant, sub post office assistant, takeaway food worker" Occupation "Job coding: retail/shop cashier, check-out operator, petrol station attendant, restaurant cashier" Occupation "Job coding: collector/door-to-door salesperson, canvasser, credit agent, insurance agent, travelling salesperson, commercial traveller" Occupation "Job coding: advertising or sales representative, demonstrator, estate agent negotiator, land/property salesman" Occupation "Job coding: call centre operator, sales order clerk, telephone adviser" Occupation "Job coding: customer care adviser/officer/assistant, store guide, customer relations officer/representative" Occupation "Job coding: textile machine operator, assembler, spinner, foreman" Occupation "Job coding: assembler, machine operator, foreman" Occupation "Job coding: van driver, delivery driver, courier driver" Occupation "Job coding: farmhand, farm labourer, herdsman, shepherd, dairyman, pigman" Occupation "Job coding: other work handling or storing goods including: store keeper, warehouseman, order assembler, goods despatcher" Occupation "Job coding: postal worker, postman, mail sorter, messenger, courier, mailroom clerk, post sorter, leaflet/circular distributor, newspaper/parcel deliverer" Occupation "Job coding: other general office clerical tasks including: office junior, office worker, photocopy/print room operator, office machinist" Occupation "Job coding: bar staff, cellarman (public house)" Occupation "Job coding: shelf filler or stacker, stock handler, display assistant" Occupation Work hours - lumped category: 15 to less-than-20 hours Occupation Work hours - lumped category: 20 to less-than-30 hours Occupation Work hours - lumped category: 30 to 40 hours Occupation Work hours - lumped category: Over 40 hours Occupation Work hours per week - exact value Occupation Job SOC coding: Senior officials in national government Occupation Job SOC coding: Directors and chief executives of major organisations Occupation Job SOC coding: Senior officials in local government Occupation Job SOC coding: Senior officials of special interest organisations Occupation "Job SOC coding: Production, works and maintenance managers" Occupation Job SOC coding: Marketing and sales managers Occupation Job SOC coding: Advertising and public relations managers Occupation "Job SOC coding: Personnel, training and industrial relations managers" Occupation Job SOC coding: Information and communication technology managers Occupation Job SOC coding: Research and development managers Occupation Job SOC coding: Quality assurance managers Occupation Job SOC coding: Customer care managers Occupation Job SOC coding: Financial institution managers Occupation Job SOC coding: Office managers Occupation Job SOC coding: Retail and wholesale managers Occupation Job SOC coding: Officers in armed forces Occupation Job SOC coding: Hospital and health service managers Occupation Job SOC coding: Social services managers Occupation Job SOC coding: Residential and day care managers Occupation Job SOC coding: Hotel and accommodation managers Occupation Job SOC coding: Restaurant and catering managers Occupation Job SOC coding: Publicans and managers of licensed premises Occupation Job SOC coding: Leisure and sports managers Occupation "Job SOC coding: Property, housing and land managers" Occupation Job SOC coding: Shopkeepers and wholesale/retail dealers Occupation Job SOC coding: Chemists Occupation Job SOC coding: Biological scientists and biochemists Occupation "Job SOC coding: Physicists, geologists and meteorologists" Occupation Job SOC coding: IT strategy and planning professionals Occupation Job SOC coding: Software professionals Occupation Job SOC coding: Medical practitioners Occupation Job SOC coding: Pharmacists/pharmacologists Occupation Job SOC coding: Dental practitioners Occupation Job SOC coding: Higher education teaching professionals Occupation Job SOC coding: Further education teaching professionals Occupation "Job SOC coding: Education officers, school inspectors" Occupation Job SOC coding: Secondary education teaching professionals Occupation Job SOC coding: Primary and nursery education teaching professionals Occupation Job SOC coding: Special needs education teaching professionals Occupation Job SOC coding: Registrars and senior administrators of educational establishments Occupation Job SOC coding: Teaching professionals n.e.c. Occupation Job SOC coding: Scientific researchers Occupation Job SOC coding: Social science researchers Occupation Job SOC coding: Researchers n.e.c. Occupation "Job SOC coding: Solicitors and lawyers, judges and coroners" Occupation Job SOC coding: Chartered and certified accountants Occupation Job SOC coding: Management accountants Occupation "Job SOC coding: Management consultants, actuaries, economists and statisticians" Occupation Job SOC coding: Architects Occupation Job SOC coding: Chartered surveyors (not quantity surveyors) Occupation Job SOC coding: Public service administrative professionals Occupation Job SOC coding: Social workers Occupation Job SOC coding: Clergy Occupation Job SOC coding: Librarians Occupation Job SOC coding: Laboratory technicians Occupation Job SOC coding: Science and engineering technicians n.e.c. Occupation Job SOC coding: IT operations technicians Occupation Job SOC coding: IT user support technicians Occupation Job SOC coding: Nurses Occupation Job SOC coding: Therapists n.e.c. Occupation Job SOC coding: Youth and community workers Occupation Job SOC coding: Housing and welfare officers Occupation Job SOC coding: NCOs and other ranks Occupation Job SOC coding: Police officers (sergeant and below) Occupation "Job SOC coding: Arts officers, producers and directors" Occupation Job SOC coding: Graphic designers Occupation "Job SOC coding: Journalists, newspaper and periodical editors" Occupation Job SOC coding: Broadcasting associate professionals Occupation Job SOC coding: Public relations officers Occupation Job SOC coding: Photographers and audio-visual equipment operators Occupation "Job SOC coding: Sports coaches, instructors and officials" Occupation Job SOC coding: Brokers Occupation Job SOC coding: Insurance underwriters Occupation Job SOC coding: Finance and investment analysts/advisers Occupation Job SOC coding: Taxation experts Occupation Job SOC coding: Financial and accounting technicians Occupation Job SOC coding: Business and related associate professionals n.e.c. Occupation Job SOC coding: Buyers and purchasing officers Occupation Job SOC coding: Sales representatives Occupation Job SOC coding: Marketing associate professionals Occupation Job SOC coding: Public service associate professionals Occupation Job SOC coding: Personnel and industrial relations officers Occupation Job SOC coding: Vocational and industrial trainers and instructors Occupation Job SOC coding: Civil Service executive officers Occupation Job SOC coding: Civil Service administrative officers and assistants Occupation Job SOC coding: Local government clerical officers and assistants Occupation Job SOC coding: Officers of non-governmental organisations Occupation Job SOC coding: Credit controllers Occupation "Job SOC coding: Accounts and wages clerks, book-keepers, other financial clerks" Occupation Job SOC coding: Counter clerks Occupation Job SOC coding: Filing and other records assistants/clerks Occupation Job SOC coding: Pensions and insurance clerks Occupation Job SOC coding: Transport and distribution clerks Occupation Job SOC coding: Database assistants/clerks Occupation Job SOC coding: Communication operators Occupation Job SOC coding: General office assistants/clerks Occupation Job SOC coding: Gardeners and groundsmen/groundswomen Occupation "Job SOC coding: Chefs, cooks" Occupation Job SOC coding: Nursing auxiliaries and assistants Occupation Job SOC coding: Houseparents and residential wardens Occupation Job SOC coding: Care assistants and home carers Occupation Job SOC coding: Educational assistants Occupation Job SOC coding: Sales and retail assistants Occupation Job SOC coding: Retail cashiers and check-out operators Occupation Job SOC coding: Collector salespersons and credit agents Occupation Job SOC coding: Sales related occupations n.e.c. Occupation Job SOC coding: Call centre agents/operators Occupation Job SOC coding: Customer care occupations Occupation Job SOC coding: Textile process operatives Occupation Job SOC coding: Assemblers (electrical products) Occupation Job SOC coding: Routine inspectors and testers Occupation Job SOC coding: Assemblers and routine operatives n.e.c. Occupation Job SOC coding: Van drivers Occupation Job SOC coding: Farm workers Occupation "Job SOC coding: Packers, bottlers, canners, fillers" Occupation Job SOC coding: Labourers in process and plant operations n.e.c. Occupation Job SOC coding: Other goods handling and storage occupations n.e.c. Occupation "Job SOC coding: Postal workers, mail sorters, messengers, couriers" Occupation Job SOC coding: Elementary office occupations n.e.c. Occupation Job SOC coding: Bar staff Occupation Job SOC coding: Shelf fillers Occupation Job involved shift work: No Occupation Job involved shift work: Yes Occupation Day shifts worked: Shift pattern was worked for some (but not all) of job Occupation Day shifts worked: Shift pattern was worked for whole of job Occupation Day shifts worked: This type of shift pattern was not worked during job Occupation Mixture of day and night shifts worked: Shift pattern was worked for some (but not all) of job Occupation Mixture of day and night shifts worked: Shift pattern was worked for whole of job Occupation Mixture of day and night shifts worked: This type of shift pattern was not worked during job Occupation Number of night shifts worked monthly during mixed shift periods Occupation Consecutive night shifts during mixed shift periods Occupation Night shifts worked: Shift pattern was worked for some (but not all) of job Occupation Night shifts worked: Shift pattern was worked for whole of job Occupation Night shifts worked: This type of shift pattern was not worked during job Occupation Gap coding: Paid work for less than 15 hours per week on average or lasting less than 6 months Occupation Gap coding: Unpaid or voluntary work Occupation Gap coding: Full-time or part-time education Occupation Gap coding: Looking after the home and/or family Occupation Gap coding: Unable to work due to sickness or disability Occupation Gap coding: Unemployed Occupation Gap coding: Retired Occupation Job involve night shift work Occupation Current employment status: In paid employment or self-employed Occupation Current employment status: None of the above Occupation Current employment status: Retired Occupation Current employment status: Looking after home and/or family Occupation Current employment status: Unable to work because of sickness or disability Occupation Current employment status: Unemployed Occupation Current employment status: Doing unpaid or voluntary work Occupation Current employment status: Full or part-time student Occupation Transport type for commuting to job workplace: Car/motor vehicle Occupation Transport type for commuting to job workplace: None of the above Occupation Transport type for commuting to job workplace: Walk Occupation Transport type for commuting to job workplace: Public transport Occupation Transport type for commuting to job workplace: Cycle Occupation Time employed in main current job Occupation Length of working week for main job Occupation Frequency of travelling from home to job workplace Occupation Distance between home and job workplace Occupation Job involves mainly walking or standing Occupation Job involves heavy manual or physical work Occupation Job involves shift work Occupation Handedness (chirality/laterality): Right-handed Physical features Handedness (chirality/laterality): Left-handed Physical features Handedness (chirality/laterality): Use both right and left hands equally Physical features Skin colour Physical features "Hair colour (natural, before greying): Blonde" Physical features "Hair colour (natural, before greying): Red" Physical features "Hair colour (natural, before greying): Light brown" Physical features "Hair colour (natural, before greying): Dark brown" Physical features "Hair colour (natural, before greying): Black" Physical features "Hair colour (natural, before greying): Other" Physical features Facial ageing Physical features Sleep duration Behavioral Morning/evening person (chronotype) Behavioral Sleeplessness / insomnia Behavioral Daytime dozing / sleeping (narcolepsy) Behavioral Mood swings Behavioral Miserableness Behavioral Irritability Behavioral Sensitivity / hurt feelings Behavioral Fed-up feelings Behavioral Nervous feelings Behavioral Worrier / anxious feelings Behavioral Tense / 'highly strung' Behavioral Worry too long after embarrassment Behavioral "Non-cancer illness code, self-reported: psychological/psychiatric problem" Behavioral "Non-cancer illness code, self-reported: depression" Behavioral "Non-cancer illness code, self-reported: anxiety/panic attacks" Behavioral "Non-cancer illness code, self-reported: nervous breakdown" Behavioral "Non-cancer illness code, self-reported: schizophrenia" Behavioral "Non-cancer illness code, self-reported: mania/bipolar disorder/manic depression" Behavioral "Non-cancer illness code, self-reported: alcohol dependency" Behavioral "Non-cancer illness code, self-reported: post-traumatic stress disorder" Behavioral "Non-cancer illness code, self-reported: stress" Behavioral "Non-cancer illness code, self-reported: insomnia" Behavioral Suffer from 'nerves' Behavioral Bipolar and major depression status: No Bipolar or Depression Behavioral Bipolar and major depression status: Bipolar I Disorder Behavioral Bipolar and major depression status: Bipolar II Disorder Behavioral Bipolar and major depression status: Probable Recurrent major depression (severe) Behavioral Bipolar and major depression status: Probable Recurrent major depression (moderate) Behavioral Bipolar and major depression status: Single Probable major depression episode Behavioral Neuroticism score Behavioral "Loneliness, isolation" Behavioral Guilty feelings Behavioral Risk taking Behavioral Ever addicted to any substance or behaviour Behavioral "Ever had known person concerned about, or recommend reduction of, alcohol consumption: No" Behavioral "Ever had known person concerned about, or recommend reduction of, alcohol consumption: Yes, but not in the last year" Behavioral "Ever had known person concerned about, or recommend reduction of, alcohol consumption: Yes, during the last year" Behavioral Frequency of failure to fulfil normal expectations due to drinking alcohol in last year Behavioral Frequency of memory loss due to drinking alcohol in last year Behavioral Frequency of feeling guilt or remorse after drinking alcohol in last year Behavioral Ever been injured or injured someone else through drinking alcohol: No Behavioral "Ever been injured or injured someone else through drinking alcohol: Yes, but not in the last year" Behavioral "Ever been injured or injured someone else through drinking alcohol: Yes, during the last year" Behavioral Frequency of needing morning drink of alcohol after heavy drinking session in last year Behavioral Frequency of inability to cease drinking in last year Behavioral Frequency of consuming six or more units of alcohol Behavioral "Tense, sore, or aching muscles during worst period of anxiety" Behavioral Impact on normal roles during worst period of anxiety Behavioral Difficulty concentrating during worst period of anxiety Behavioral Longest period spent worried or anxious Behavioral "Ever felt worried, tense, or anxious for most of a month or longer" Behavioral More irritable than usual during worst period of anxiety Behavioral Keyed up or on edge during worst period of anxiety Behavioral Ever worried more than most people would in similar situation Behavioral Restless during period of worst anxiety Behavioral Frequent trouble falling or staying asleep during worst period of anxiety Behavioral Professional informed about anxiety Behavioral Easily tired during worst period of anxiety Behavioral Age at first episode of depression Behavioral Age at last episode of depression Behavioral Difficulty concentrating during worst depression Behavioral Fraction of day affected during worst episode of depression Behavioral Thoughts of death during worst depression Behavioral Duration of worst depression Behavioral Frequency of depressed days during worst episode of depression Behavioral Impact on normal roles during worst period of depression Behavioral Ever had prolonged loss of interest in normal activities Behavioral Lifetime number of depressed periods Behavioral Ever had prolonged feelings of sadness or depression Behavioral Depression possibly related to stressful or traumatic event Behavioral Professional informed about depression Behavioral Feelings of tiredness during worst episode of depression Behavioral Feelings of worthlessness during worst period of depression Behavioral General happiness Behavioral General happiness with own health Behavioral Belief that own life is meaningful Behavioral Ever heard an un-real voice Behavioral Ever believed in an un-real conspiracy against self Behavioral Ever seen an un-real vision Behavioral Ever believed in un-real communications or signs Behavioral Ever thought that life not worth living Behavioral Ever self-harmed Behavioral Ever contemplated self-harm Behavioral Contemplated self-harm in past year Behavioral Longest period of mania or irritability Behavioral Severity of problems due to mania or irritability Behavioral Felt irritable or had angry outbursts in past month Behavioral Avoided activities or situations because of previous stressful experience in past month Behavioral Felt distant from other people in past month Behavioral Repeated disturbing thoughts of stressful experience in past month Behavioral Felt very upset when reminded of stressful experience in past month Behavioral Ever sought or received professional help for mental distress Behavioral Frequency of depressed mood in last 2 weeks Behavioral Ever suffered mental distress preventing usual activities Behavioral Ever had period of mania / excitability Behavioral Ever had period extreme irritability Behavioral Recent easy annoyance or irritability Behavioral Recent feelings or nervousness or anxiety Behavioral Recent feelings of inadequacy Behavioral Recent trouble concentrating on things Behavioral Recent inability to stop or control worrying Behavioral Recent feelings of depression Behavioral Recent poor appetite or overeating Behavioral Recent feelings of foreboding Behavioral Recent thoughts of suicide or self-harm Behavioral Recent lack of interest or pleasure in doing things Behavioral Recent trouble relaxing Behavioral Recent restlessness Behavioral "Trouble falling or staying asleep, or sleeping too much" Behavioral Recent changes in speed/amount of moving or speaking Behavioral Recent feelings of tiredness or low energy Behavioral Recent worrying too much about different things Behavioral Did your sleep change? Behavioral Trouble falling asleep Behavioral Sleeping too much Behavioral Waking too early Behavioral Weight change during worst episode of depression: Stayed about the same or was on a diet Behavioral Weight change during worst episode of depression: Gained weight Behavioral Weight change during worst episode of depression: Lost weight Behavioral Weight change during worst episode of depression: Both gained and lost some weight during the episode Behavioral Frequency of difficulty controlling worry during worst period of anxiety Behavioral Worried most days during period of worst anxiety Behavioral Frequency of inability to stop worrying during worst period of anxiety Behavioral Multiple worries during worst period of anxiety Behavioral Difficulty stopping worrying during worst period of anxiety Behavioral Stronger worrying (than other people) during period of worst anxiety Behavioral Number of things worried about during worst period of anxiety Behavioral Mental health problems ever diagnosed by a professional: Social anxiety or social phobia Behavioral "Mental health problems ever diagnosed by a professional: Mania, hypomania, bipolar or manic-depression" Behavioral Mental health problems ever diagnosed by a professional: Depression Behavioral Mental health problems ever diagnosed by a professional: Psychological over-eating or binge-eating Behavioral "Mental health problems ever diagnosed by a professional: Autism, Asperger's or autistic spectrum disorder" Behavioral "Mental health problems ever diagnosed by a professional: Anxiety, nerves or generalized anxiety disorder" Behavioral Mental health problems ever diagnosed by a professional: Anorexia nervosa Behavioral Mental health problems ever diagnosed by a professional: Agoraphobia Behavioral Mental health problems ever diagnosed by a professional: Any other type of psychosis or psychotic illness Behavioral Mental health problems ever diagnosed by a professional: A personality disorder Behavioral Mental health problems ever diagnosed by a professional: Any other phobia (eg disabling fear of heights or spiders) Behavioral Mental health problems ever diagnosed by a professional: Panic attacks Behavioral Mental health problems ever diagnosed by a professional: Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) Behavioral Substances taken for depression: Unprescribed medication (more than once) Behavioral Substances taken for depression: Medication prescribed to you (for at least two weeks) Behavioral Substances taken for depression: Drugs or alcohol (more than once) Behavioral "Activities undertaken to treat depression: Talking therapies, such as psychotherapy, counselling, group therapy or CBT" Behavioral "Activities undertaken to treat depression: Other therapeutic activities such as mindfulness, yoga or art classes" Behavioral Manifestations of mania or irritability: I was more talkative than usual Behavioral Manifestations of mania or irritability: I was more restless than usual Behavioral Manifestations of mania or irritability: My thoughts were racing Behavioral Manifestations of mania or irritability: I needed less sleep than usual Behavioral Manifestations of mania or irritability: I was more creative or had more ideas than usual Behavioral Manifestations of mania or irritability: I was easily distracted Behavioral Manifestations of mania or irritability: I was more confident than usual Behavioral Manifestations of mania or irritability: I was more active than usual Behavioral Substances taken for anxiety: Unprescribed medication (more than once) Behavioral Substances taken for anxiety: Medication prescribed to you (for at least two weeks) Behavioral Substances taken for anxiety: Drugs or alcohol (more than once) Behavioral "Activities undertaken to treat anxiety: Talking therapies, such as psychotherapy, counselling, group therapy or CBT" Behavioral "Activities undertaken to treat anxiety: Other therapeutic activities such as mindfulness, yoga or art classes" Behavioral "Substance of prescription or over-the-counter medication addiction: A sedative, benzodiazepine or sleeping tablet" Behavioral Substance of prescription or over-the-counter medication addiction: A painkiller Behavioral Behavioural and miscellaneous addictions: Something else not mentioned Behavioral Behavioural and miscellaneous addictions: A behaviour Behavioral Methods of self-harm used: Something not listed Behavioral Methods of self-harm used: Stopping prescribed medication Behavioral Methods of self-harm used: Ingesting a medication in excess of the normal dose Behavioral "Methods of self-harm used: Self-injury such as self-cutting, scratching or hitting, etc." Behavioral Methods of self-harm used: Ingesting alcohol or a recreational or illicit drug Behavioral "Actions taken following self-harm: See anyone from psychiatric or mental health services, including liaison services" Behavioral Actions taken following self-harm: Need hospital treatment (eg A&E) Behavioral Actions taken following self-harm: Use a helpline / voluntary organization Behavioral Actions taken following self-harm: See own GP Behavioral Actions taken following self-harm: Receive help from friends / family / neighbours Behavioral Frequency of unenthusiasm / disinterest in last 2 weeks Behavioral Frequency of tenseness / restlessness in last 2 weeks Behavioral Frequency of tiredness / lethargy in last 2 weeks Behavioral "Seen doctor (GP) for nerves, anxiety, tension or depression" Behavioral "Seen a psychiatrist for nerves, anxiety, tension or depression" Behavioral Able to confide Behavioral Reason for reducing amount of alcohol drunk: Illness or ill health Behavioral Reason for reducing amount of alcohol drunk: Doctor's advice Behavioral Reason for reducing amount of alcohol drunk: Health precaution Behavioral Reason for reducing amount of alcohol drunk: Financial reasons Behavioral Reason for reducing amount of alcohol drunk: Other reason Behavioral Ever depressed for a whole week Behavioral Longest period of depression Behavioral Number of depression episodes Behavioral Ever unenthusiastic/disinterested for a whole week Behavioral Ever manic/hyper for 2 days Behavioral Ever highly irritable/argumentative for 2 days Behavioral Longest period of unenthusiasm / disinterest Behavioral Number of unenthusiastic/disinterested episodes Behavioral FI9 : concept interpolation Behavioral Length of longest manic/irritable episode Behavioral Severity of manic/irritable episodes Behavioral FI10 : arithmetic sequence recognition Behavioral FI11 : antonym Behavioral Completion status of test: Fully completed Behavioral Completion status of test: Participant wanted to stop early Behavioral Completion status of test: Heart rate reached safety level Behavioral Manic/hyper symptoms: None of the above Behavioral Manic/hyper symptoms: I was more active than usual Behavioral Manic/hyper symptoms: I was more talkative than usual Behavioral Manic/hyper symptoms: I needed less sleep than usual Behavioral Manic/hyper symptoms: I was more creative or had more ideas than usual Behavioral Manic/hyper symptoms: All of the above Behavioral Diagnoses - main ICD10: F10 Mental and behavioural disorders due to use of alcohol Behavioral Diagnoses - main ICD10: F31 Bipolar affective disorder Behavioral Diagnoses - main ICD10: F32 Depressive episode Behavioral Diagnoses - main ICD10: F33 Recurrent depressive disorder Behavioral Diagnoses - main ICD10: F41 Other anxiety disorders Behavioral "Diagnoses - main ICD10: F43 Reaction to severe stress, and adjustment disorders" Behavioral All anxiety disorders Behavioral Other anxiety disorders Behavioral Depression Behavioral Mood [affective] disorders Behavioral "Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders" Behavioral Diagnoses - main ICD10: G47 Sleep disorders Behavioral Anxiety disorders Behavioral Any mental disorder Behavioral Any dementia Behavioral Mood disorders Behavioral Schizophrenia or delusion Behavioral Substance abuse Behavioral Anxiety (asthma-related co-morbidities) Behavioral "Diagnoses - main ICD10: R47 Speech disturbances, not elsewhere classified" Behavioral Diagnoses - main ICD10: R49 Voice disturbances Behavioral Sleep disorders (combined) Behavioral Mental and behavioural disorders Behavioral Diseases of the nervous system Behavioral "Non-cancer illness code, self-reported: deep venous thrombosis (dvt)" Blood/blood-forming tissues "Non-cancer illness code, self-reported: low platelets/platelet disorder" Blood/blood-forming tissues "Non-cancer illness code, self-reported: iron deficiency anaemia" Blood/blood-forming tissues "Non-cancer illness code, self-reported: pernicious anaemia" Blood/blood-forming tissues "Non-cancer illness code, self-reported: clotting disorder/excessive bleeding" Blood/blood-forming tissues "Non-cancer illness code, self-reported: anaemia" Blood/blood-forming tissues "Non-cancer illness code, self-reported: hereditary/genetic haematological disorder" Blood/blood-forming tissues White blood cell (leukocyte) count Blood/blood-forming tissues Red blood cell (erythrocyte) count Blood/blood-forming tissues Haemoglobin concentration Blood/blood-forming tissues Haematocrit percentage Blood/blood-forming tissues Mean corpuscular volume Blood/blood-forming tissues Mean corpuscular haemoglobin Blood/blood-forming tissues Mean corpuscular haemoglobin concentration Blood/blood-forming tissues Red blood cell (erythrocyte) distribution width Blood/blood-forming tissues Platelet count Blood/blood-forming tissues Platelet crit Blood/blood-forming tissues Mean platelet (thrombocyte) volume Blood/blood-forming tissues Platelet distribution width Blood/blood-forming tissues Lymphocyte count Blood/blood-forming tissues Monocyte count Blood/blood-forming tissues Neutrophill count Blood/blood-forming tissues Eosinophill count Blood/blood-forming tissues Basophill count Blood/blood-forming tissues Nucleated red blood cell count Blood/blood-forming tissues Lymphocyte percentage Blood/blood-forming tissues Monocyte percentage Blood/blood-forming tissues Neutrophill percentage Blood/blood-forming tissues Eosinophill percentage Blood/blood-forming tissues Basophill percentage Blood/blood-forming tissues Nucleated red blood cell percentage Blood/blood-forming tissues Reticulocyte percentage Blood/blood-forming tissues Reticulocyte count Blood/blood-forming tissues Mean reticulocyte volume Blood/blood-forming tissues Mean sphered cell volume Blood/blood-forming tissues Immature reticulocyte fraction Blood/blood-forming tissues High light scatter reticulocyte percentage Blood/blood-forming tissues High light scatter reticulocyte count Blood/blood-forming tissues "Blood clot, DVT, bronchitis, emphysema, asthma, rhinitis, eczema, allergy diagnosed by doctor: Blood clot in the leg (DVT)" Blood/blood-forming tissues Iron deficiency anaemia Blood/blood-forming tissues Other and unspecified anaemias Blood/blood-forming tissues Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura Blood/blood-forming tissues Other anaemias Blood/blood-forming tissues Oher diseases of blood and blood-forming organs Blood/blood-forming tissues Purpura and other haemorrhagic conditions Blood/blood-forming tissues Diagnoses - main ICD10: D50 Iron deficiency anaemia Blood/blood-forming tissues Diagnoses - main ICD10: D64 Other anaemias Blood/blood-forming tissues Diagnoses - main ICD10: D69 Purpura and other haemorrhagic conditions Blood/blood-forming tissues Diagnoses - main ICD10: D70 Agranulocytosis Blood/blood-forming tissues Diagnoses - main ICD10: D75 Other diseases of blood and blood-forming organs Blood/blood-forming tissues Diagnoses - main ICD10: I80 Phlebitis and thrombophlebitis Blood/blood-forming tissues Venous thromboembolism Blood/blood-forming tissues Diseases of the blood and blood-forming organs and certain disorders involving the immune mechanism Blood/blood-forming tissues "Pulse rate, automated reading" Cardiovascular Ventricular rate Cardiovascular P duration Cardiovascular QRS duration Cardiovascular "Non-cancer illness code, self-reported: hypertension" Cardiovascular "Non-cancer illness code, self-reported: heart/cardiac problem" Cardiovascular "Non-cancer illness code, self-reported: peripheral vascular disease" Cardiovascular "Non-cancer illness code, self-reported: essential hypertension" Cardiovascular "Non-cancer illness code, self-reported: angina" Cardiovascular "Non-cancer illness code, self-reported: heart attack/myocardial infarction" Cardiovascular "Non-cancer illness code, self-reported: heart arrhythmia" Cardiovascular "Non-cancer illness code, self-reported: heart valve problem/heart murmur" Cardiovascular "Non-cancer illness code, self-reported: stroke" Cardiovascular "Non-cancer illness code, self-reported: transient ischaemic attack (tia)" Cardiovascular "Non-cancer illness code, self-reported: pulmonary embolism +/- dvt" Cardiovascular "Non-cancer illness code, self-reported: cerebral aneurysm" Cardiovascular "Non-cancer illness code, self-reported: atrial fibrillation" Cardiovascular "Non-cancer illness code, self-reported: irregular heart beat" Cardiovascular "Non-cancer illness code, self-reported: varicose veins" Cardiovascular Pulse wave Arterial Stiffness index Cardiovascular #Other necrotizing vasculopathies Cardiovascular Diagnoses - main ICD10: Q21 Congenital malformations of cardiac septa Cardiovascular Diagnoses - main ICD10: R00 Abnormalities of heart beat Cardiovascular Diagnoses - main ICD10: R09 Other symptoms and signs involving the circulatory and respiratory systems Cardiovascular Diagnoses - main ICD10: R55 Syncope and collapse Cardiovascular "Diagnoses - main ICD10: T82 Complications of cardiac and vascular prosthetic devices, implants and grafts" Cardiovascular Age high blood pressure diagnosed Cardiovasuclar Pace-maker Cardiovasuclar "Diastolic blood pressure, automated reading" Cardiovasuclar "Systolic blood pressure, automated reading" Cardiovasuclar Pulse rate Cardiovasuclar Pulse wave reflection index Cardiovasuclar Pulse wave peak to peak time Cardiovasuclar Surgery on leg arteries (other than for varicose veins) Cardiovasuclar "ECG, heart rate" Cardiovasuclar "ECG, load" Cardiovasuclar "ECG, phase time" Cardiovasuclar "ECG, phase duration" Cardiovasuclar Maximum workload during fitness test Cardiovasuclar Maximum heart rate during fitness test Cardiovasuclar Target heart rate achieved Cardiovasuclar Number of trend entries Cardiovasuclar Vascular/heart problems diagnosed by doctor: Heart attack Cardiovasuclar Vascular/heart problems diagnosed by doctor: None of the above Cardiovasuclar Vascular/heart problems diagnosed by doctor: Angina Cardiovasuclar Vascular/heart problems diagnosed by doctor: Stroke Cardiovasuclar Vascular/heart problems diagnosed by doctor: High blood pressure Cardiovasuclar "Blood clot, DVT, bronchitis, emphysema, asthma, rhinitis, eczema, allergy diagnosed by doctor: Blood clot in the lung" Cardiovasuclar "Systolic blood pressure, manual reading" Cardiovasuclar "Diastolic blood pressure, manual reading" Cardiovasuclar STROKE Cardiovasuclar "Cardiac arrhytmias, COPD co-morbidities" Cardiovasuclar Congenital malformations of heart and great arteries Cardiovasuclar Diagnoses - main ICD10: G45 Transient cerebral ischaemic attacks and related syndromes Cardiovasuclar Heart failure Cardiovasuclar Diagnoses - main ICD10: I08 Multiple valve diseases Cardiovasuclar Diagnoses - main ICD10: I10 Essential (primary) hypertension Cardiovasuclar Diagnoses - main ICD10: I20 Angina pectoris Cardiovasuclar Diagnoses - main ICD10: I21 Acute myocardial infarction Cardiovasuclar Diagnoses - main ICD10: I24 Other acute ischaemic heart diseases Cardiovasuclar Diagnoses - main ICD10: I25 Chronic ischaemic heart disease Cardiovasuclar Diagnoses - main ICD10: I26 Pulmonary embolism Cardiovasuclar Diagnoses - main ICD10: I31 Other diseases of pericardium Cardiovasuclar Diagnoses - main ICD10: I34 Nonrheumatic mitral valve disorders Cardiovasuclar Diagnoses - main ICD10: I35 Nonrheumatic aortic valve disorders Cardiovasuclar Diagnoses - main ICD10: I42 Cardiomyopathy Cardiovasuclar Diagnoses - main ICD10: I44 Atrioventricular and left bundle-branch block Cardiovasuclar Diagnoses - main ICD10: I47 Paroxysmal tachycardia Cardiovasuclar Diagnoses - main ICD10: I48 Atrial fibrillation and flutter Cardiovasuclar Diagnoses - main ICD10: I49 Other cardiac arrhythmias Cardiovasuclar Diagnoses - main ICD10: I50 Heart failure Cardiovasuclar Diagnoses - main ICD10: I60 Subarachnoid haemorrhage Cardiovasuclar Diagnoses - main ICD10: I61 Intracerebral haemorrhage Cardiovasuclar Diagnoses - main ICD10: I63 Cerebral infarction Cardiovasuclar "Diagnoses - main ICD10: I64 Stroke, not specified as haemorrhage or infarction" Cardiovasuclar "Diagnoses - main ICD10: I65 Occlusion and stenosis of precerebral arteries, not resulting in cerebral infarction" Cardiovasuclar Diagnoses - main ICD10: I67 Other cerebrovascular diseases Cardiovasuclar Diagnoses - main ICD10: I70 Atherosclerosis Cardiovasuclar Diagnoses - main ICD10: I73 Other peripheral vascular diseases Cardiovasuclar Diagnoses - main ICD10: I74 Arterial embolism and thrombosis Cardiovasuclar Diagnoses - main ICD10: I77 Other disorders of arteries and arterioles Cardiovasuclar Diagnoses - main ICD10: I83 Varicose veins of lower extremities Cardiovasuclar Arterial embolism and thrombosis Cardiovasuclar Other diseases of arteries and capillaries Cardiovasuclar AV-block Cardiovasuclar "Cardiomyopathies, Primary/intrinsic" Cardiovasuclar Cardiomyopathy Cardiovasuclar Major coronary heart disease event excluding revascularizations Cardiovasuclar Major coronary heart disease event Cardiovasuclar Conduction disorders Cardiovasuclar Coronary atherosclerosis Cardiovasuclar "Diseases of veins, lymphatic vessels and lymph nodes, not elsewhere classified" Cardiovasuclar DVT of lower extremities and pulmonary embolism Cardiovasuclar "Heart failure, not strict" Cardiovasuclar "Heart failure,strict" Cardiovasuclar Hypertensive diseases Cardiovasuclar Hypertension Cardiovasuclar Hypertensive heart and/or renal disease Cardiovasuclar "Ischaemic heart disease, wide definition" Cardiovasuclar Nontraumatic intracranial haemmorrhage Cardiovasuclar Death due to cardiac causes Cardiovasuclar "Myocardial infarction, strict" Cardiovasuclar Myocardial infarction Cardiovasuclar Non-rheumatic valve diseases Cardiovasuclar Other or ill-defined heart diseases Cardiovasuclar Peripheral artery disease Cardiovasuclar DVT of lower extremities Cardiovasuclar Rheumatic valve diseases Cardiovasuclar "Ischaemic Stroke, excluding all haemorrhages" Cardiovasuclar "Stroke, including SAH" Cardiovasuclar "Stroke, excluding SAH" Cardiovasuclar Unstable angina pectoris Cardiovasuclar Vascular diseases of the intestine Cardiovasuclar Diagnoses - main ICD10: I95 Hypotension Cardiovasuclar Diseases of the circulatory system Cardiovasuclar "Non-cancer illness code, self-reported: urinary frequency / incontinence" Constitutional symptom "Non-cancer illness code, self-reported: polymyalgia rheumatica" Constitutional symptom "Non-cancer illness code, self-reported: chronic fatigue syndrome" Constitutional symptom Chest pain or discomfort Constitutional symptom Neck/shoulder pain for 3+ months Constitutional symptom Hip pain for 3+ months Constitutional symptom Chest pain or discomfort walking normally Constitutional symptom Chest pain due to walking ceases when standing still Constitutional symptom Chest pain or discomfort when walking uphill or hurrying Constitutional symptom Chest pain felt during physical activity Constitutional symptom Chest pain felt outside physical activity Constitutional symptom Pain type(s) experienced in last month: None of the above Constitutional symptom Pain type(s) experienced in last month: Neck or shoulder pain Constitutional symptom Pain type(s) experienced in last month: Hip pain Constitutional symptom Pain type(s) experienced in last month: Pain all over the body Constitutional symptom Episodal and paroxysmal disorders Constitutional symptom Myalgia Constitutional symptom Diagnoses - main ICD10: R07 Pain in throat and chest Constitutional symptom "Diagnoses - main ICD10: R52 Pain, not elsewhere classified" Constitutional symptom Diagnoses - main ICD10: R53 Malaise and fatigue Constitutional symptom "Non-cancer illness code, self-reported: oesophageal disorder" Digestive system "Non-cancer illness code, self-reported: stomach disorder" Digestive system "Non-cancer illness code, self-reported: liver/biliary/pancreas problem" Digestive system "Non-cancer illness code, self-reported: other abdominal problem" Digestive system "Non-cancer illness code, self-reported: gastro-oesophageal reflux (gord) / gastric reflux" Digestive system "Non-cancer illness code, self-reported: oesophagitis/barretts oesophagus" Digestive system "Non-cancer illness code, self-reported: gastric/stomach ulcers" Digestive system "Non-cancer illness code, self-reported: gastritis/gastric erosions" Digestive system "Non-cancer illness code, self-reported: irritable bowel syndrome" Digestive system "Non-cancer illness code, self-reported: hepatitis" Digestive system "Non-cancer illness code, self-reported: infective/viral hepatitis" Digestive system "Non-cancer illness code, self-reported: non-infective hepatitis" Digestive system "Non-cancer illness code, self-reported: liver failure/cirrhosis" Digestive system "Non-cancer illness code, self-reported: cholelithiasis/gall stones" Digestive system "Non-cancer illness code, self-reported: cholecystitis" Digestive system "Non-cancer illness code, self-reported: pancreatitis" Digestive system "Non-cancer illness code, self-reported: peritonitis" Digestive system "Non-cancer illness code, self-reported: peptic ulcer" Digestive system "Non-cancer illness code, self-reported: helicobacter pylori" Digestive system "Non-cancer illness code, self-reported: malabsorption/coeliac disease" Digestive system "Non-cancer illness code, self-reported: duodenal ulcer" Digestive system "Non-cancer illness code, self-reported: diverticular disease/diverticulitis" Digestive system "Non-cancer illness code, self-reported: colitis/not crohns or ulcerative colitis" Digestive system "Non-cancer illness code, self-reported: crohns disease" Digestive system "Non-cancer illness code, self-reported: ulcerative colitis" Digestive system "Non-cancer illness code, self-reported: appendicitis" Digestive system "Non-cancer illness code, self-reported: haemorrhoids / piles" Digestive system "Non-cancer illness code, self-reported: jaundice (unknown cause)" Digestive system "Non-cancer illness code, self-reported: dyspepsia / indigestion" Digestive system Age diabetes diagnosed Digestive system Stomach/abdominal pain for 3+ months Digestive system Pain type(s) experienced in last month: Stomach or abdominal pain Digestive system Pain type(s) experienced in last month: Knee pain Digestive system Diagnoses - main ICD10: A09 Diarrhoea and gastro-enteritis of presumed infectious origin Digestive system Intestinal infectious diseases Digestive system Viral hepatitis Digestive system Other specified/unspecified bacterial intestinal infections Digestive system Campylobacter enteritis Digestive system Crohn's disease of large intestine Digestive system Chron's disease NAS Digestive system Crohn's disease of small interstine Digestive system Noninfectious colitis NAS Digestive system Diagnoses - main ICD10: E16 Other disorders of pancreatic internal secretion Digestive system Diagnoses - main ICD10: I84 Haemorrhoids Digestive system "Bacterial intestinal infections, IBD co-morbidities" Digestive system Acute gastritis Digestive system Intestinal adhesions without obstruction Digestive system Diseases of appendix Digestive system Other appendicitis Digestive system Barret oesophagus Digestive system Cholangitis (sclerosing) Digestive system Chronic gastritis Digestive system Coeliac disease Digestive system "Disorders of gallbladder, biliary tract and pancreas" Digestive system Gastroduodenal ulcer Digestive system GI-bleeding Digestive system Paralytic ileus and intestinal obstruction Digestive system Diseases of liver Digestive system Oesophageal obstruction Digestive system Ulcer of oesophagus Digestive system Other diseases of the digestive system Digestive system Other diseases of oesophagus Digestive system Other gastritis (incl. Duodenitis) Digestive system "Other or unspecified ileus, impaction or obstruction" Digestive system Other diseases of pancreas Digestive system Diseases of peritoneum Digestive system Diagnoses - main ICD10: K20 Oesophagitis Digestive system Diagnoses - main ICD10: K21 Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease Digestive system Diagnoses - main ICD10: K22 Other diseases of oesophagus Digestive system Diagnoses - main ICD10: K25 Gastric ulcer Digestive system Diagnoses - main ICD10: K26 Duodenal ulcer Digestive system Diagnoses - main ICD10: K29 Gastritis and duodenitis Digestive system Diagnoses - main ICD10: K30 Dyspepsia Digestive system Diagnoses - main ICD10: K31 Other diseases of stomach and duodenum Digestive system Diagnoses - main ICD10: K35 Acute appendicitis Digestive system Diagnoses - main ICD10: K37 Unspecified appendicitis Digestive system Diagnoses - main ICD10: K50 Crohn's disease [regional enteritis] Digestive system Diagnoses - main ICD10: K51 Ulcerative colitis Digestive system Diagnoses - main ICD10: K52 Other non-infective gastro-enteritis and colitis Digestive system Diagnoses - main ICD10: K55 Vascular disorders of intestine Digestive system Diagnoses - main ICD10: K56 Paralytic ileus and intestinal obstruction without hernia Digestive system Diagnoses - main ICD10: K57 Diverticular disease of intestine Digestive system Diagnoses - main ICD10: K58 Irritable bowel syndrome Digestive system Diagnoses - main ICD10: K59 Other functional intestinal disorders Digestive system Diagnoses - main ICD10: K60 Fissure and fistula of anal and rectal regions Digestive system Diagnoses - main ICD10: K61 Abscess of anal and rectal regions Digestive system Diagnoses - main ICD10: K62 Other diseases of anus and rectum Digestive system Diagnoses - main ICD10: K63 Other diseases of intestine Digestive system Diagnoses - main ICD10: K66 Other disorders of peritoneum Digestive system Diagnoses - main ICD10: K74 Fibrosis and cirrhosis of liver Digestive system Diagnoses - main ICD10: K75 Other inflammatory liver diseases Digestive system Diagnoses - main ICD10: K76 Other diseases of liver Digestive system Diagnoses - main ICD10: K80 Cholelithiasis Digestive system Diagnoses - main ICD10: K81 Cholecystitis Digestive system Diagnoses - main ICD10: K83 Other diseases of biliary tract Digestive system Diagnoses - main ICD10: K85 Acute pancreatitis Digestive system Diagnoses - main ICD10: K86 Other diseases of pancreas Digestive system Diagnoses - main ICD10: K90 Intestinal malabsorption Digestive system "Diagnoses - main ICD10: K91 Postprocedural disorders of digestive system, not elsewhere classified" Digestive system Diagnoses - main ICD10: K92 Other diseases of digestive system Digestive system Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease Digestive system Diagnoses - main ICD10: R10 Abdominal and pelvic pain Digestive system Diagnoses - main ICD10: R11 Nausea and vomiting Digestive system Diagnoses - main ICD10: R12 Heartburn Digestive system Diagnoses - main ICD10: R13 Dysphagia Digestive system Diagnoses - main ICD10: R14 Flatulence and related conditions Digestive system Diagnoses - main ICD10: R15 Faecal incontinence Digestive system Diagnoses - main ICD10: R17 Unspecified jaundice Digestive system Diagnoses - main ICD10: R18 Ascites Digestive system Diagnoses - main ICD10: R19 Other symptoms and signs involving the digestive system and abdomen Digestive system Diagnoses - main ICD10: T18 Foreign body in alimentary tract Digestive system "Ulcerative colitis, NAS" Digestive system Ulcerative proctitis Digestive system Diseases of the digestive system Digestive system Diagnoses - main ICD10: Z43 Attention to artificial openings Digestive system "Non-cancer illness code, self-reported: ear/vestibular disorder" Ear "Non-cancer illness code, self-reported: meniere's disease" Ear "Non-cancer illness code, self-reported: vertigo" Ear "Non-cancer illness code, self-reported: tinnitus / tiniitis" Ear Speech-reception-threshold (SRT) estimate (left) Ear Speech-reception-threshold (SRT) estimate (right) Ear Hearing difficulty/problems: No Ear Hearing difficulty/problems: Yes Ear Hearing difficulty/problems with background noise Ear Hearing aid user Ear Signal-to-noise-ratio (SNR) of triplet (left) Ear "Mean signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), (left)" Ear Signal-to-noise-ratio (SNR) of triplet (right) Ear "Mean signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), (right)" Ear Number of triplets attempted (left) Ear Volume level set by participant (left) Ear Number of triplets attempted (right) Ear Volume level set by participant (right) Ear "Tinnitus: No, never" Ear "Tinnitus: Yes, now most or all of the time" Ear "Tinnitus: Yes, now a lot of the time" Ear "Tinnitus: Yes, now some of the time" Ear "Tinnitus: Yes, but not now, but have in the past" Ear Tinnitus severity/nuisance Ear "Hearing test done: No, I am unable to do this" Ear Hearing test done: Yes Ear Hearing test done: I can only hear on the right side Ear Hearing test done: I can only hear on the left side Ear Diagnoses - main ICD10: H60 Otitis externa Ear Diagnoses - main ICD10: H61 Other disorders of external ear Ear Diagnoses - main ICD10: H65 Nonsuppurative otitis media Ear Diagnoses - main ICD10: H66 Suppurative and unspecified otitis media Ear Diagnoses - main ICD10: H71 Cholesteatoma of middle ear Ear Diagnoses - main ICD10: H72 Perforation of tympanic membrane Ear Diagnoses - main ICD10: H74 Other disorders of middle ear and mastoid Ear Chronic suppurative otitis media Ear Conductive and sensorineural hearing loss Ear Otitis externa Ear Other specified/unspecified hearing loss Ear Labyrinthitis Ear Suppurative and unspecified otitis media Ear Other hearing loss Ear "Otitis media, unspecified" Ear Perichondritis of external ear Ear Disorders of vestibular function (Vertigo) Ear Diagnoses - main ICD10: H81 Disorders of vestibular function Ear Diagnoses - main ICD10: H83 Other diseases of inner ear Ear Diagnoses - main ICD10: H90 Conductive and sensorineural hearing loss Ear Diagnoses - main ICD10: H91 Other hearing loss Ear Diagnoses - main ICD10: H92 Otalgia and effusion of ear Ear Diagnoses - main ICD10: R42 Dizziness and giddiness Ear Diseases of the ear and mastoid process Ear Diabetes diagnosed by doctor Endocrine system Started insulin within one year diagnosis of diabetes Endocrine system Diagnoses - main ICD10: E10 Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus Endocrine system Diagnoses - main ICD10: E11 Non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus Endocrine system Type 1 diabetes Endocrine system Type 1 diabetes without complications Endocrine system Type 2 diabetes Endocrine system Type 2 diabetes without complications Endocrine system "Non-cancer illness code, self-reported: diabetes" Endocrine system "Non-cancer illness code, self-reported: type 1 diabetes" Endocrine system "Non-cancer illness code, self-reported: type 2 diabetes" Endocrine system "Non-cancer illness code, self-reported: thyroid problem (not cancer)" Endocrine system "Non-cancer illness code, self-reported: hyperthyroidism/thyrotoxicosis" Endocrine system "Non-cancer illness code, self-reported: hypothyroidism/myxoedema" Endocrine system Diagnoses - main ICD10: E04 Other non-toxic goitre Endocrine system "Endocrine, nutritional and metabolic diseases" Endocrine system "Non-cancer illness code, self-reported: eye/eyelid problem" Eye "Non-cancer illness code, self-reported: eye infection" Eye "Non-cancer illness code, self-reported: retinal problem" Eye "Non-cancer illness code, self-reported: diabetic eye disease" Eye "Non-cancer illness code, self-reported: glaucoma" Eye "Non-cancer illness code, self-reported: cataract" Eye "Non-cancer illness code, self-reported: eye trauma" Eye "Non-cancer illness code, self-reported: retinal detachment" Eye "Non-cancer illness code, self-reported: dry eyes" Eye Wears glasses or contact lenses Eye Age started wearing glasses or contact lenses Eye Other eye problems Eye Spherical power (right) Eye Spherical power (left) Eye Cylindrical power (left) Eye Cylindrical power (right) Eye Astigmatism angle (right) Eye Astigmatism angle (left) Eye 3mm weak meridian (left) Eye 6mm weak meridian (left) Eye 6mm weak meridian (right) Eye 3mm weak meridian (right) Eye 3mm weak meridian angle (right) Eye 6mm weak meridian angle (right) Eye 6mm weak meridian angle (left) Eye 3mm weak meridian angle (left) Eye 3mm strong meridian angle (left) Eye 6mm strong meridian angle (left) Eye 6mm strong meridian angle (right) Eye 3mm strong meridian angle (right) Eye 3mm asymmetry angle (right) Eye 6mm asymmetry angle (right) Eye 6mm asymmetry angle (left) Eye 3mm asymmetry angle (left) Eye 3mm cylindrical power angle (left) Eye 6mm cylindrical power angle (left) Eye 6mm cylindrical power angle (right) Eye 3mm cylindrical power angle (right) Eye 3mm cylindrical power (right) Eye 6mm cylindrical power (right) Eye 6mm cylindrical power (left) Eye 3mm cylindrical power (left) Eye 3mm strong meridian (right) Eye 6mm strong meridian (right) Eye 6mm strong meridian (left) Eye 3mm strong meridian (left) Eye 3mm asymmetry index (left) Eye 6mm asymmetry index (left) Eye 6mm asymmetry index (right) Eye 3mm asymmetry index (right) Eye 3mm regularity index (right) Eye 6mm regularity index (right) Eye 6mm regularity index (left) Eye 3mm regularity index (left) Eye Ever had eye surgery Eye Current eye infection Eye "logMAR, final (right)" Eye "logMAR, final (left)" Eye Index of best refractometry result (right) Eye 3mm index of best keratometry results (right) Eye 6mm index of best keratometry results (right) Eye "Intra-ocular pressure, corneal-compensated (right)" Eye "Intra-ocular pressure, Goldmann-correlated (right)" Eye Corneal hysteresis (right) Eye Corneal resistance factor (right) Eye "Intra-ocular pressure, corneal-compensated (left)" Eye "Intra-ocular pressure, Goldmann-correlated (left)" Eye Corneal hysteresis (left) Eye Corneal resistance factor (left) Eye Index of best refractometry result (left) Eye 3mm index of best keratometry results (left) Eye 6mm index of best keratometry results (left) Eye Which eye(s) affected by presbyopia: Right eye Eye Which eye(s) affected by presbyopia: Left eye Eye Which eye(s) affected by presbyopia: Both eyes Eye Which eye(s) affected by hypermetropia (long sight): Right eye Eye Which eye(s) affected by hypermetropia (long sight): Left eye Eye Which eye(s) affected by hypermetropia (long sight): Both eyes Eye Which eye(s) affected by myopia (short sight): Right eye Eye Which eye(s) affected by myopia (short sight): Left eye Eye Which eye(s) affected by myopia (short sight): Both eyes Eye OCT measured (right): Measurable Eye OCT measured (right): Not performed - equipment failure Eye OCT measured (right): Not performed - other reason Eye OCT measured (left): Measurable Eye OCT measured (left): Not performed - equipment failure Eye OCT measured (left): Not performed - other reason Eye "Reason for glasses/contact lenses: For short-sightedness, i.e. only or mainly for distance viewing such as driving, cinema etc (called 'myopia')" Eye "Reason for glasses/contact lenses: For long-sightedness, i.e. for distance and near, but particularly for near tasks like reading (called 'hypermetropia')" Eye Reason for glasses/contact lenses: For just reading/near work as you are getting older (called 'presbyopia') Eye Reason for glasses/contact lenses: For 'astigmatism' Eye Reason for glasses/contact lenses: For a 'squint' or 'turn' in an eye since childhood (called 'strabismus') Eye Reason for glasses/contact lenses: For a 'lazy' eye or an eye with poor vision since childhood (called 'amblyopia') Eye Reason for glasses/contact lenses: Other eye condition Eye Eye problems/disorders: Diabetes related eye disease Eye Eye problems/disorders: None of the above Eye Eye problems/disorders: Glaucoma Eye Eye problems/disorders: Injury or trauma resulting in loss of vision Eye Eye problems/disorders: Cataract Eye Eye problems/disorders: Macular degeneration Eye Eye problems/disorders: Other serious eye condition Eye Unclassified diabetic retinopathy Eye Diagnoses - main ICD10: H04 Disorders of lachrymal system Eye Diagnoses - main ICD10: H11 Other disorders of conjunctiva Eye Diagnoses - main ICD10: H18 Other disorders of cornea Eye Diagnoses - main ICD10: H25 Senile cataract Eye Diagnoses - main ICD10: H26 Other cataract Eye Diagnoses - main ICD10: H33 Retinal detachments and breaks Eye Diagnoses - main ICD10: H34 Retinal vascular occlusions Eye Diagnoses - main ICD10: H35 Other retinal disorders Eye Diagnoses - main ICD10: H40 Glaucoma Eye Diagnoses - main ICD10: H43 Disorders of vitreous body Eye Diagnoses - main ICD10: H50 Other strabismus Eye Diagnoses - main ICD10: H53 Visual disturbances Eye Other disorders of cornea Eye Divergent concomitant strabismus Eye Epiphora Eye Other disorders of eye and adnexa Eye Primary angle-closure glaucoma Eye Other and unspecified glaucoma Eye Primary open-angle glaucoma Eye Glaucoma suspect Eye Disorders of lacrimal system Eye Disorders of lens Eye Degeneration of macula and posterior pole Eye Other disorders of conjunctiva Eye Retinal breaks without detachment Eye Retinal detachments and breaks Eye Retinal detachment with retinal break Eye "Other, unspecified and serous retinal detachments" Eye Other retinal disorders Eye Other specified and unspecified retinal disorders Eye Retinal vascular disorders Eye Other and unspecified vascular occlusions Eye Stenosis and insufficiency of lacrimal passages Eye Other specified and unspecified strabismus Eye Other strabismus Eye Other and unspecified visual disturbances Eye Visual disturbances Eye Disorders of vitreous body Eye Vitreous haemorrhage Eye Diagnoses - main ICD10: M31 Other necrotising vasculopathies Eye Diseases of the eye and adnexa Eye "Non-cancer illness code, self-reported: renal failure not requiring dialysis" Genitourinary system "Non-cancer illness code, self-reported: urinary tract infection/kidney infection" Genitourinary system "Non-cancer illness code, self-reported: kidney stone/ureter stone/bladder stone" Genitourinary system "Non-cancer illness code, self-reported: bladder problem (not cancer)" Genitourinary system "Non-cancer illness code, self-reported: other renal/kidney problem" Genitourinary system "Non-cancer illness code, self-reported: polycystic kidney" Genitourinary system Glomerulonephritis Genitourinary system "Diagnoses - main ICD10: N12 Tubulo-interstitial nephritis, not specified as acute or chronic" Genitourinary system Diagnoses - main ICD10: N13 Obstructive and reflux uropathy Genitourinary system Glomerular diseases Genitourinary system Diagnoses - main ICD10: N17 Acute renal failure Genitourinary system Diagnoses - main ICD10: N18 Chronic renal failure Genitourinary system Diagnoses - main ICD10: N20 Calculus of kidney and ureter Genitourinary system Diagnoses - main ICD10: N23 Unspecified renal colic Genitourinary system "Diagnoses - main ICD10: N28 Other disorders of kidney and ureter, not elsewhere classified" Genitourinary system Diagnoses - main ICD10: N30 Cystitis Genitourinary system "Diagnoses - main ICD10: N31 Neuromuscular dysfunction of bladder, not elsewhere classified" Genitourinary system Diagnoses - main ICD10: N32 Other disorders of bladder Genitourinary system Diagnoses - main ICD10: N35 Urethral stricture Genitourinary system Diagnoses - main ICD10: N36 Other disorders of urethra Genitourinary system Diagnoses - main ICD10: N39 Other disorders of urinary system Genitourinary system "Diagnoses - main ICD10: N99 Postprocedural disorders of genito-urinary system, not elsewhere classified" Genitourinary system Diagnoses - main ICD10: R30 Pain associated with micturition Genitourinary system Diagnoses - main ICD10: R32 Unspecified urinary incontinence Genitourinary system Diagnoses - main ICD10: R33 Retention of urine Genitourinary system Diagnoses - main ICD10: R35 Polyuria Genitourinary system Diagnoses - main ICD10: R39 Other symptoms and signs involving the urinary system Genitourinary system "Diagnoses - main ICD10: T83 Complications of genito-urinary prosthetic devices, implants and grafts" Genitourinary system Diseases of the genitourinary system Genitourinary system Comparative body size at age 10 Growth Comparative height size at age 10 Growth Sitting height Growth Birth weight Growth Body mass index (BMI) Growth Weight Growth Weight change compared with 1 year ago Growth Body fat percentage Growth Whole body fat mass Growth Whole body fat-free mass Growth Whole body water mass Growth Waist circumference Growth Hip circumference Growth Standing height Growth Obesity Growth "Obesity, other/unspecified" Growth Diagnoses - main ICD10: R63 Symptoms and signs concerning food and fluid intake Growth "Non-cancer illness code, self-reported: head injury" Head/neck "Non-cancer illness code, self-reported: nasal polyps" Head/neck "Non-cancer illness code, self-reported: neck problem/injury" Head/neck "Non-cancer illness code, self-reported: fracture nose" Head/neck Mouth/teeth dental problems: Mouth ulcers Head/neck Mouth/teeth dental problems: None of the above Head/neck Mouth/teeth dental problems: Painful gums Head/neck Mouth/teeth dental problems: Bleeding gums Head/neck Mouth/teeth dental problems: Loose teeth Head/neck Mouth/teeth dental problems: Toothache Head/neck Mouth/teeth dental problems: Dentures Head/neck Pain type(s) experienced in last month: Facial pain Head/neck Diagnoses - main ICD10: H00 Hordeolum and chalazion Head/neck Diagnoses - main ICD10: H02 Other disorders of eyelid Head/neck Blepharochalasis Head/neck Chalazion Head/neck Ectropion of eyelid Head/neck Entropion and trichiasis of eyelid Head/neck Other disorders of eyelid Head/neck Other specified and unspecified disorders of eyelid Head/neck Ptosis of eyelid Head/neck Diagnoses - main ICD10: J33 Nasal polyp Head/neck Diagnoses - main ICD10: J34 Other disorders of nose and nasal sinuses Head/neck Diagnoses - main ICD10: K01 Embedded and impacted teeth Head/neck Diagnoses - main ICD10: K02 Dental caries Head/neck Diagnoses - main ICD10: K04 Diseases of pulp and periapical tissues Head/neck Diagnoses - main ICD10: K05 Gingivitis and periodontal diseases Head/neck Diagnoses - main ICD10: K07 Dentofacial anomalies [including malocclusion] Head/neck Diagnoses - main ICD10: K08 Other disorders of teeth and supporting structures Head/neck "Diagnoses - main ICD10: K09 Cysts of oral region, not elsewhere classified" Head/neck Diagnoses - main ICD10: K11 Diseases of salivary glands Head/neck Diagnoses - main ICD10: K12 Stomatitis and related lesions Head/neck Diagnoses - main ICD10: K13 Other diseases of lip and oral mucosa Head/neck Diagnoses - main ICD10: K14 Diseases of tongue Head/neck Cervicalgia Head/neck Diagnoses - main ICD10: S00 Superficial injury of head Head/neck Diagnoses - main ICD10: S01 Open wound of head Head/neck Diagnoses - main ICD10: S02 Fracture of skull and facial bones Head/neck Diagnoses - main ICD10: S06 Intracranial injury Head/neck Diagnoses - main ICD10: S09 Other and unspecified injuries of head Head/neck "Non-cancer illness code, self-reported: sarcoidosis" Immune system "Non-cancer illness code, self-reported: allergy/hypersensitivity/anaphylaxis" Immune system "Non-cancer illness code, self-reported: allergy or anaphylactic reaction to food" Immune system "Non-cancer illness code, self-reported: allergy or anaphylactic reaction to drug" Immune system "Non-cancer illness code, self-reported: hayfever/allergic rhinitis" Immune system "Non-cancer illness code, self-reported: tuberculosis (tb)" Immune system "Non-cancer illness code, self-reported: malaria" Immune system "Non-cancer illness code, self-reported: rheumatic fever" Immune system "Non-cancer illness code, self-reported: polio / poliomyelitis" Immune system "Non-cancer illness code, self-reported: infectious mononucleosis / glandular fever / epstein barr virus (ebv)" Immune system "Non-cancer illness code, self-reported: measles / morbillivirus" Immune system "Non-cancer illness code, self-reported: mumps / epidemic parotitis" Immune system "Non-cancer illness code, self-reported: rubella / german measles" Immune system "Non-cancer illness code, self-reported: chickenpox" Immune system "Non-cancer illness code, self-reported: whooping cough / pertussis" Immune system "Non-cancer illness code, self-reported: shingles" Immune system "Non-cancer illness code, self-reported: tonsiltis" Immune system "Non-cancer illness code, self-reported: septicaemia / sepsis" Immune system "Non-cancer illness code, self-reported: scarlet fever / scarlatina" Immune system Doctor diagnosed hayfever or allergic rhinitis Immune system Doctor diagnosed sarcoidosis Immune system Doctor diagnosed tuberculosis Immune system Age hayfever or allergic rhinitis diagnosed by doctor Immune system Recent medication for hayfever or allergic rhinitis Immune system "Age hay fever, rhinitis or eczema diagnosed" Immune system "Blood clot, DVT, bronchitis, emphysema, asthma, rhinitis, eczema, allergy diagnosed by doctor: None of the above" Immune system "Blood clot, DVT, bronchitis, emphysema, asthma, rhinitis, eczema, allergy diagnosed by doctor: Hayfever, allergic rhinitis or eczema" Immune system Diagnoses - main ICD10: A04 Other bacterial intestinal infections Immune system Diagnoses - main ICD10: A08 Viral and other specified intestinal infections Immune system Diagnoses - main ICD10: A41 Other septicaemia Immune system Certain infectious and parasitic diseases Immune system Mycoses Immune system Other bacterial diseases Immune system Other viral diseases Immune system Viral infections characterized by skin and mucous membrane lesions Immune system Diagnoses - main ICD10: B34 Viral infection of unspecified site Immune system Diagnoses - main ICD10: B37 Candidiasis Immune system Rheumatic fever incl heart disease Immune system Diagnoses - main ICD10: J03 Acute tonsillitis Immune system Diagnoses - main ICD10: J35 Chronic diseases of tonsils and adenoids Immune system Diagnoses - main ICD10: J36 Peritonsillar abscess Immune system Pyogenic granuloma Immune system Diagnoses - main ICD10: R59 Enlarged lymph nodes Immune system Adult-onset Still disease Immune system Diagnoses - main ICD10: Z11 Special screening examination for infectious and parasitic diseases Immune system Diagnoses - main ICD10: N62 Hypertrophy of breast Integument Ease of skin tanning Integument Childhood sunburn occasions Integument "Non-cancer illness code, self-reported: burns" Integument "Non-cancer illness code, self-reported: eczema/dermatitis" Integument "Non-cancer illness code, self-reported: psoriasis" Integument "Non-cancer illness code, self-reported: blistering/desquamating skin disorder" Integument "Non-cancer illness code, self-reported: acne/acne vulgaris" Integument "Non-cancer illness code, self-reported: rosacea" Integument Diagnoses - main ICD10: B07 Viral warts Integument Diagnoses - main ICD10: D22 Melanocytic naevi Integument "Diagnoses - main ICD10: L02 Cutaneous abscess, furuncle and carbuncle" Integument Diagnoses - main ICD10: L08 Other local infections of skin and subcutaneous tissue Integument Atrophic disorders of skin Integument Other and unspecified dermatitis Integument Other epidermal thickening Integument Other and unspecified epidermal thickening Integument Granulomatous disorders of skin and subcutaneous tissue Integument Other and unspecified hypertrophic disorders of skin Integument Hypertrophic disorders of skin Integument Other local infections of skin and subcutaneous tissue Integument Ingrowing nail Integument Nail disorders Integument Skin changes due to chronic exposure to nonionizing radiation Integument "Other disorders of skin and subcutaneous tissue, not elsewhere classified" Integument Other melanin hyperpigmentation Integument Other disorders of pigmentation Integument Arthropathic psoriasis Integument Psoriasis Integument Scar conditions and fibrosis of skin Integument Other and unspecified disorders of skin and subcutaneous tissue Integument Diagnoses - main ICD10: L30 Other dermatitis Integument Diagnoses - main ICD10: L40 Psoriasis Integument Diagnoses - main ICD10: L43 Lichen planus Integument Diagnoses - main ICD10: L57 Skin changes due to chronic exposure to nonionising radiation Integument Diagnoses - main ICD10: L60 Nail disorders Integument Diagnoses - main ICD10: L72 Follicular cysts of skin and subcutaneous tissue Integument Diagnoses - main ICD10: L81 Other disorders of pigmentation Integument Diagnoses - main ICD10: L82 Seborrhoeic keratosis Integument Diagnoses - main ICD10: L85 Other epidermal thickening Integument Diagnoses - main ICD10: L90 Atrophic disorders of skin Integument Diagnoses - main ICD10: L91 Hypertrophic disorders of skin Integument Diagnoses - main ICD10: L92 Granulomatous disorders of skin and subcutaneous tissue Integument "Diagnoses - main ICD10: L98 Other disorders of skin and subcutaneous tissue, not elsewhere classified" Integument Palmar fascial fibromatosis [Dupuytren] Integument Diagnoses - main ICD10: R20 Disturbances of skin sensation Integument Diagnoses - main ICD10: R21 Rash and other nonspecific skin eruption Integument "Diagnoses - main ICD10: R22 Localised swelling, mass and lump of skin and subcutaneous tissue" Integument Diseases of the skin and subcutaneous tissue Integument Diagnoses - main ICD10: S61 Open wound of wrist and hand Musculoskeletal Diagnoses - main ICD10: S81 Open wound of lower leg Musculoskeletal Hallux rigidus Musculoskeletal Hallux valgus (acquired) Musculoskeletal Other hammer toe(s) (acquired) Musculoskeletal Other deformities of toe(s) Musculoskeletal Diagnoses - main ICD10: M20 Acquired deformities of fingers and toes Musculoskeletal Diagnoses - main ICD10: M21 Other acquired deformities of limbs Musculoskeletal "Non-cancer illness code, self-reported: high cholesterol" Metabolism/homeostasis Basal metabolic rate Metabolism/homeostasis Microalbumin in urine Metabolism/homeostasis Creatinine (enzymatic) in urine Metabolism/homeostasis Potassium in urine Metabolism/homeostasis Sodium in urine Metabolism/homeostasis Diabetic hypoglycemia Metabolism/homeostasis Diabetic ketoacidosis Metabolism/homeostasis Diagnoses - main ICD10: E83 Disorders of mineral metabolism Metabolism/homeostasis "Diagnoses - main ICD10: E87 Other disorders of fluid, electrolyte and acid-base balance" Metabolism/homeostasis Diagnoses - main ICD10: N02 Recurrent and persistent haematuria Metabolism/homeostasis Diagnoses - main ICD10: R31 Unspecified haematuria Metabolism/homeostasis Diagnoses - main ICD10: R50 Fever of unknown origin Metabolism/homeostasis "Diagnoses - main ICD10: R60 Oedema, not elsewhere classified" Metabolism/homeostasis Diagnoses - main ICD10: R79 Other abnormal findings of blood chemistry Metabolism/homeostasis Albumin (quantile) Metabolism/homeostasis Albumin (g/L) Metabolism/homeostasis Creatinine (quantile) Metabolism/homeostasis Alkaline phosphatase (quantile) Metabolism/homeostasis Alkaline phosphatase (U/L) Metabolism/homeostasis Alanine aminotransferase (quantile) Metabolism/homeostasis Alanine aminotransferase (U/L) Metabolism/homeostasis Apoliprotein A (quantile) Metabolism/homeostasis Apoliprotein A (g/L) Metabolism/homeostasis Apoliprotein B (quantile) Metabolism/homeostasis Apoliprotein B (g/L) Metabolism/homeostasis Aspartate aminotransferase (quantile) Metabolism/homeostasis Aspartate aminotransferase (U/L) Metabolism/homeostasis Direct bilirubin (quantile) Metabolism/homeostasis Direct bilirubin (umol/L) Metabolism/homeostasis Urea (quantile) Metabolism/homeostasis Urea (mmol/L) Metabolism/homeostasis Calcium (quantile) Metabolism/homeostasis Calcium (mmol/L) Metabolism/homeostasis Cholesterol (quantile) Metabolism/homeostasis Cholesterol (mmol/L) Metabolism/homeostasis Creatinine (umol/L) Metabolism/homeostasis C-reactive protein (quantile) Metabolism/homeostasis C-reactive protein (mg/L) Metabolism/homeostasis Cystatin C (quantile) Metabolism/homeostasis Cystatin C (mg/L) Metabolism/homeostasis Gamma glutamyltransferase (quantile) Metabolism/homeostasis Gamma glutamyltransferase (U/L) Metabolism/homeostasis Glucose (quantile) Metabolism/homeostasis Glucose (mmol/L) Metabolism/homeostasis Glycated haemoglobin (quantile) Metabolism/homeostasis Glycated haemoglobin (mmol/mol) Metabolism/homeostasis HDL cholesterol (quantile) Metabolism/homeostasis HDL cholesterol (mmol/L) Metabolism/homeostasis IGF-1 (quantile) Metabolism/homeostasis IGF-1 (nmol/L) Metabolism/homeostasis LDL direct (quantile) Metabolism/homeostasis LDL direct (mmol/L) Metabolism/homeostasis Lipoprotein A (quantile) Metabolism/homeostasis Lipoprotein A (nmol/L) Metabolism/homeostasis Oestradiol (quantile) Metabolism/homeostasis Oestradiol (pmol/L) Metabolism/homeostasis Phosphate (quantile) Metabolism/homeostasis Phosphate (mmol/L) Metabolism/homeostasis Rheumatoid factor (quantile) Metabolism/homeostasis Rheumatoid factor (IU/ml) Metabolism/homeostasis SHBG (quantile) Metabolism/homeostasis SHBG (nmol/L) Metabolism/homeostasis Total bilirubin (quantile) Metabolism/homeostasis Total bilirubin (umol/L) Metabolism/homeostasis Testosterone (quantile) Metabolism/homeostasis Testosterone (nmol/L) Metabolism/homeostasis Total protein (quantile) Metabolism/homeostasis Total protein (g/L) Metabolism/homeostasis Triglycerides (quantile) Metabolism/homeostasis Triglycerides (mmol/L) Metabolism/homeostasis Urate (quantile) Metabolism/homeostasis Urate (umol/L) Metabolism/homeostasis Vitamin D (quantile) Metabolism/homeostasis Vitamin D (nmol/L) Metabolism/homeostasis Estimated sample dilution factor (quantile) Metabolism/homeostasis Estimated sample dilution factor (factor) Metabolism/homeostasis Meniscus derangement Musculoskeletal "Non-cancer illness code, self-reported: bone disorder" Musculoskeletal "Non-cancer illness code, self-reported: back problem" Musculoskeletal "Non-cancer illness code, self-reported: joint disorder" Musculoskeletal "Non-cancer illness code, self-reported: muscle/soft tissue problem" Musculoskeletal "Non-cancer illness code, self-reported: osteomyelitis" Musculoskeletal "Non-cancer illness code, self-reported: osteoporosis" Musculoskeletal "Non-cancer illness code, self-reported: spine arthritis/spondylitis" Musculoskeletal "Non-cancer illness code, self-reported: prolapsed disc/slipped disc" Musculoskeletal "Non-cancer illness code, self-reported: ankylosing spondylitis" Musculoskeletal "Non-cancer illness code, self-reported: muscle or soft tissue injuries" Musculoskeletal "Non-cancer illness code, self-reported: rheumatoid arthritis" Musculoskeletal "Non-cancer illness code, self-reported: osteoarthritis" Musculoskeletal "Non-cancer illness code, self-reported: gout" Musculoskeletal "Non-cancer illness code, self-reported: other joint disorder" Musculoskeletal "Non-cancer illness code, self-reported: hiatus hernia" Musculoskeletal "Non-cancer illness code, self-reported: sciatica" Musculoskeletal "Non-cancer illness code, self-reported: psoriatic arthropathy" Musculoskeletal "Non-cancer illness code, self-reported: cervical spondylosis" Musculoskeletal "Non-cancer illness code, self-reported: umbilical hernia" Musculoskeletal "Non-cancer illness code, self-reported: inguinal hernia" Musculoskeletal "Non-cancer illness code, self-reported: disc problem" Musculoskeletal "Non-cancer illness code, self-reported: disc degeneration" Musculoskeletal "Non-cancer illness code, self-reported: back pain" Musculoskeletal "Non-cancer illness code, self-reported: joint pain" Musculoskeletal "Non-cancer illness code, self-reported: arthritis (nos)" Musculoskeletal "Non-cancer illness code, self-reported: fracture upper arm / humerus / elbow" Musculoskeletal "Non-cancer illness code, self-reported: fracture forearm / wrist" Musculoskeletal "Non-cancer illness code, self-reported: fracture wrist / colles fracture" Musculoskeletal "Non-cancer illness code, self-reported: fracture finger" Musculoskeletal "Non-cancer illness code, self-reported: fracture vertebra / crush fracture / vertebral collapse" Musculoskeletal "Non-cancer illness code, self-reported: fracture neck of femur / hip" Musculoskeletal "Non-cancer illness code, self-reported: fracture lower leg / ankle" Musculoskeletal "Non-cancer illness code, self-reported: fracture tibia" Musculoskeletal "Non-cancer illness code, self-reported: fracture fibula" Musculoskeletal "Non-cancer illness code, self-reported: fracture foot" Musculoskeletal "Non-cancer illness code, self-reported: fracture toe" Musculoskeletal Falls in the last year Musculoskeletal Impedance of whole body Musculoskeletal Impedance of leg (right) Musculoskeletal Impedance of leg (left) Musculoskeletal Impedance of arm (right) Musculoskeletal Impedance of arm (left) Musculoskeletal Leg fat percentage (right) Musculoskeletal Leg fat mass (right) Musculoskeletal Leg fat-free mass (right) Musculoskeletal Leg predicted mass (right) Musculoskeletal Leg fat percentage (left) Musculoskeletal Leg fat mass (left) Musculoskeletal Leg fat-free mass (left) Musculoskeletal Leg predicted mass (left) Musculoskeletal Arm fat percentage (right) Musculoskeletal Arm fat mass (right) Musculoskeletal Arm fat-free mass (right) Musculoskeletal Arm predicted mass (right) Musculoskeletal Arm fat percentage (left) Musculoskeletal Arm fat mass (left) Musculoskeletal Arm fat-free mass (left) Musculoskeletal Arm predicted mass (left) Musculoskeletal Trunk fat percentage Musculoskeletal Trunk fat mass Musculoskeletal Trunk fat-free mass Musculoskeletal Trunk predicted mass Musculoskeletal Fractured/broken bones in last 5 years Musculoskeletal Fracture resulting from simple fall Musculoskeletal Ankle spacing width Musculoskeletal "Heel Broadband ultrasound attenuation, direct entry" Musculoskeletal "Heel quantitative ultrasound index (QUI), direct entry" Musculoskeletal Heel bone mineral density (BMD) Musculoskeletal Back pain for 3+ months Musculoskeletal Knee pain for 3+ months Musculoskeletal Ankle spacing width (left) Musculoskeletal Heel broadband ultrasound attenuation (left) Musculoskeletal "Heel quantitative ultrasound index (QUI), direct entry (left)" Musculoskeletal Heel bone mineral density (BMD) (left) Musculoskeletal "Heel bone mineral density (BMD) T-score, automated (left)" Musculoskeletal Ankle spacing width (right) Musculoskeletal Heel broadband ultrasound attenuation (right) Musculoskeletal "Heel quantitative ultrasound index (QUI), direct entry (right)" Musculoskeletal Heel bone mineral density (BMD) (right) Musculoskeletal "Heel bone mineral density (BMD) T-score, automated (right)" Musculoskeletal Hand grip strength (left) Musculoskeletal Hand grip strength (right) Musculoskeletal Leg pain on walking Musculoskeletal Leg pain when standing still or sitting Musculoskeletal Leg pain in calf/calves Musculoskeletal Leg pain when walking uphill or hurrying Musculoskeletal Leg pain when walking normally Musculoskeletal Leg pain when walking ever disappears while walking Musculoskeletal Leg pain on walking : action taken Musculoskeletal Leg pain on walking : effect of standing still Musculoskeletal Surgery/amputation of toe or leg: No Musculoskeletal Able to walk or cycle unaided for 10 minutes Musculoskeletal Fractured bone site(s): Ankle Musculoskeletal Fractured bone site(s): Leg Musculoskeletal Fractured bone site(s): Hip Musculoskeletal Fractured bone site(s): Spine Musculoskeletal Fractured bone site(s): Wrist Musculoskeletal Fractured bone site(s): Arm Musculoskeletal Fractured bone site(s): Other bones Musculoskeletal Pain type(s) experienced in last month: Back pain Musculoskeletal "Heel bone mineral density (BMD) T-score, automated" Musculoskeletal Coxarthrosis [arthrosis of hip](FG) Musculoskeletal Hernia Musculoskeletal Diagnoses - main ICD10: K40 Inguinal hernia Musculoskeletal Diagnoses - main ICD10: K41 Femoral hernia Musculoskeletal Diagnoses - main ICD10: K42 Umbilical hernia Musculoskeletal Diagnoses - main ICD10: K43 Ventral hernia Musculoskeletal Diagnoses - main ICD10: K44 Diaphragmatic hernia Musculoskeletal Gonarthrosis [arthrosis of knee](FG) Musculoskeletal Diagnoses - main ICD10: L03 Cellulitis Musculoskeletal Diagnoses - main ICD10: L05 Pilonidal cyst Musculoskeletal Diagnoses - main ICD10: M06 Other rheumatoid arthritis Musculoskeletal Adhesive capsulitis of shoulder Musculoskeletal Ohter specific/unspecified arthritis Musculoskeletal Other arthrosis Musculoskeletal #Arthrosis Musculoskeletal Other specified/unspecified disorders of bone/cartilage Musculoskeletal Other bursopathies Musculoskeletal Other articular cartilage disorders Musculoskeletal Chrondropathies Musculoskeletal #Deforming dorsopathies Musculoskeletal Other specified/unspecified disorders of synovium and tendon +Other specified/unspecified bursopathies Musculoskeletal Dorsalgia Musculoskeletal Other/unspecified dorsalgia Musculoskeletal "Enthesopathies of lower limb, excluding foot" Musculoskeletal Other enthesopathies Musculoskeletal Residual foreign body in soft tissue Musculoskeletal Impingement syndrome of shoulder Musculoskeletal Other specific joint derangements/joint disorders Musculoskeletal Lateral epicondylitis Musculoskeletal Pain in limb Musculoskeletal Low back pain Musculoskeletal Disorders of muscles Musculoskeletal Other specified disorders of muscle Musculoskeletal Other disorders of the musculoskeletal system and connective tissue Musculoskeletal Osteoporosis Musculoskeletal #Other joint disorders Musculoskeletal Other disorders of patella Musculoskeletal "Pathological/recurrent dislocation and subluxation of joint, not elsewhere classified" Musculoskeletal #Polyarthropathies Musculoskeletal Pyogenic arthritis Musculoskeletal Rheumatoid arthritis Musculoskeletal Rotator cuff syndrome Musculoskeletal Siatica+with lumbago Musculoskeletal Shoulder lesions Musculoskeletal Other shoulder lesions Musculoskeletal "Soft tissue disorders related to use, overuse and pressure" Musculoskeletal Other specified/unspecified soft tissue disorders Musculoskeletal "Other soft tissue disorders, not elsewhere classified" Musculoskeletal Spinal stenosis Musculoskeletal Spondylolisthesis/Spondylolysis Musculoskeletal #Spondylopathies Musculoskeletal Disorders of synovium and tendon Musculoskeletal Other/unspecified synovitis and tenosynovitis Musculoskeletal Trigger finger Musculoskeletal Diagnoses - main ICD10: M13 Other arthritis Musculoskeletal Diagnoses - main ICD10: M15 Polyarthrosis Musculoskeletal Diagnoses - main ICD10: M16 Coxarthrosis [arthrosis of hip] Musculoskeletal Diagnoses - main ICD10: M17 Gonarthrosis [arthrosis of knee] Musculoskeletal Diagnoses - main ICD10: M18 Arthrosis of first carpometacarpal joint Musculoskeletal Diagnoses - main ICD10: M19 Other arthrosis Musculoskeletal Diagnoses - main ICD10: M22 Disorders of patella Musculoskeletal Diagnoses - main ICD10: M23 Internal derangement of knee Musculoskeletal Diagnoses - main ICD10: M24 Other specific joint derangements Musculoskeletal "Diagnoses - main ICD10: M25 Other joint disorders, not elsewhere classified" Musculoskeletal Diagnoses - main ICD10: M43 Other deforming dorsopathies Musculoskeletal Diagnoses - main ICD10: M46 Other inflammatory spondylopathies Musculoskeletal Diagnoses - main ICD10: M47 Spondylosis Musculoskeletal Diagnoses - main ICD10: M48 Other spondylopathies Musculoskeletal Diagnoses - main ICD10: M50 Cervical disk disorders Musculoskeletal Diagnoses - main ICD10: M51 Other intervertebral disk disorders Musculoskeletal Diagnoses - main ICD10: M54 Dorsalgia Musculoskeletal Diagnoses - main ICD10: M62 Other disorders of muscle Musculoskeletal Diagnoses - main ICD10: M65 Synovitis and tenosynovitis Musculoskeletal Diagnoses - main ICD10: M66 Spontaneous rupture of synovium and tendon Musculoskeletal Diagnoses - main ICD10: M67 Other disorders of synovium and tendon Musculoskeletal "Diagnoses - main ICD10: M70 Soft tissue disorders related to use, overuse and pressure" Musculoskeletal Diagnoses - main ICD10: M71 Other bursopathies Musculoskeletal Diagnoses - main ICD10: M72 Fibroblastic disorders Musculoskeletal Diagnoses - main ICD10: M75 Shoulder lesions Musculoskeletal "Diagnoses - main ICD10: M76 Enthesopathies of lower limb, excluding foot" Musculoskeletal Diagnoses - main ICD10: M77 Other enthesopathies Musculoskeletal "Diagnoses - main ICD10: M79 Other soft tissue disorders, not elsewhere classified" Musculoskeletal Diagnoses - main ICD10: M81 Osteoporosis without pathological fracture Musculoskeletal Diagnoses - main ICD10: M84 Disorders of continuity of bone Musculoskeletal Diagnoses - main ICD10: M89 Other disorders of bone Musculoskeletal Diagnoses - main ICD10: M94 Other disorders of cartilage Musculoskeletal "Diagnoses - main ICD10: M96 Postprocedural musculoskeletal disorders, not elsewhere classified" Musculoskeletal "Primary coxarthrosis, bilateral" Musculoskeletal "Primary gonarthrosis, bilateral" Musculoskeletal Other arthritis (FG) Musculoskeletal Other/unspecified rheumatoid arthritis Musculoskeletal "Diagnoses - main ICD10: S22 Fracture of rib(s), sternum and thoracic spine" Musculoskeletal "Diagnoses - main ICD10: S30 Superficial injury of abdomen, lower back and pelvis" Musculoskeletal Diagnoses - main ICD10: S32 Fracture of lumbar spine and pelvis Musculoskeletal Diagnoses - main ICD10: S42 Fracture of shoulder and upper arm Musculoskeletal Diagnoses - main ICD10: S52 Fracture of forearm Musculoskeletal Diagnoses - main ICD10: S62 Fracture at wrist and hand level Musculoskeletal "Diagnoses - main ICD10: S63 Dislocation, sprain and strain of joints and ligaments at wrist and hand level" Musculoskeletal Diagnoses - main ICD10: S66 Injury of muscle and tendon at wrist and hand level Musculoskeletal Diagnoses - main ICD10: S72 Fracture of femur Musculoskeletal Diagnoses - main ICD10: S80 Superficial injury of lower leg Musculoskeletal "Diagnoses - main ICD10: S82 Fracture of lower leg, including ankle" Musculoskeletal "Diagnoses - main ICD10: S83 Dislocation, sprain and strain of joints and ligaments of knee" Musculoskeletal Diagnoses - main ICD10: S86 Injury of muscle and tendon at lower leg level Musculoskeletal "Diagnoses - main ICD10: S92 Fracture of foot, except ankle" Musculoskeletal Spondyloarthritis Musculoskeletal Spondylopathies (FG) Musculoskeletal "Diagnoses - main ICD10: T84 Complications of internal orthopaedic prosthetic devices, implants and grafts" Musculoskeletal "Diagnoses - main ICD10: T85 Complications of other internal prosthetic devices, implants and grafts" Musculoskeletal Diseases of the musculoskeletal system and connective tissue Musculoskeletal Diagnoses - main ICD10: Z47 Other orthopaedic follow-up care Musculoskeletal "Cancer code, self-reported: skin cancer" Neoplasm "Cancer code, self-reported: large bowel cancer/colorectal cancer" Neoplasm "Cancer code, self-reported: colon cancer/sigmoid cancer" Neoplasm "Cancer code, self-reported: rectal cancer" Neoplasm "Cancer code, self-reported: kidney/renal cell cancer" Neoplasm "Cancer code, self-reported: bladder cancer" Neoplasm "Cancer code, self-reported: hodgkins lymphoma / hodgkins disease" Neoplasm "Cancer code, self-reported: non-hodgkins lymphoma" Neoplasm "Cancer code, self-reported: malignant melanoma" Neoplasm "Cancer code, self-reported: non-melanoma skin cancer" Neoplasm "Cancer code, self-reported: basal cell carcinoma" Neoplasm "Cancer code, self-reported: squamous cell carcinoma" Neoplasm "Cancer code, self-reported: rodent ulcer" Neoplasm "Cancer code, self-reported: unclassifiable" Neoplasm "Non-cancer illness code, self-reported: rectal or colon adenoma/polyps" Neoplasm Interpolated Age of participant when cancer first diagnosed Neoplasm Cancer diagnosed by doctor Neoplasm Reported occurrences of cancer Neoplasm Cancer year/age first occurred Neoplasm Malignant neoplasm of bladder Neoplasm Malignant neoplasm of brain Neoplasm Malignant neoplasm of bronchus and lung Neoplasm Malignant neoplasm of colon Neoplasm Malignant neoplasm of other connective and soft tissue Neoplasm Follicular lymphoma Neoplasm Hodgkin lymphoma Neoplasm "Malignant neoplasm of kidney, except renal pelvis" Neoplasm Lymphoid leukaemia Neoplasm Lymphomas Neoplasm Malignant melanoma of skin Neoplasm Multiple myeloma and malignant plasma cell neoplasms Neoplasm Myeloid leukaemia Neoplasm Non-follicular lymphoma Neoplasm Other and unspecified types of non-Hodgkin lymphoma Neoplasm Malignant neoplasm of oesophagus Neoplasm Other malignant neoplasms of skin Neoplasm Malignant neoplasm of pancreas Neoplasm Malignant neoplasm of rectosigmoid junction Neoplasm Malignant neoplasm of rectum Neoplasm Malignant neoplasm of stomach Neoplasm Malignant neoplasm of thyroid gland Neoplasm Diagnoses - main ICD10: C15 Malignant neoplasm of oesophagus Neoplasm Diagnoses - main ICD10: C16 Malignant neoplasm of stomach Neoplasm Diagnoses - main ICD10: C18 Malignant neoplasm of colon Neoplasm Diagnoses - main ICD10: C19 Malignant neoplasm of rectosigmoid junction Neoplasm Diagnoses - main ICD10: C20 Malignant neoplasm of rectum Neoplasm Diagnoses - main ICD10: C25 Malignant neoplasm of pancreas Neoplasm Malignant neoplasm of digestive organs Neoplasm Malignant neoplasm of endocrine gland Neoplasm "Malignant neoplasm of eye, brain and central nervous system" Neoplasm "Malignant neoplasm of lip, oral cavity and pharynx" Neoplasm Melignant neoplasm of mesothelium and soft tissue Neoplasm Primary_lymphoid and hematopoietic malignant neoplasms Neoplasm Malignant neoplasm of respiratory system and intrathoracic organs Neoplasm Malignant neoplasm of skin Neoplasm Secondary uncertain malignant neoplasm Neoplasm Malignant neoplasm of urinary organs Neoplasm Diagnoses - main ICD10: C34 Malignant neoplasm of bronchus and lung Neoplasm Diagnoses - main ICD10: C43 Malignant melanoma of skin Neoplasm Diagnoses - main ICD10: C44 Other malignant neoplasms of skin Neoplasm "Diagnoses - main ICD10: C64 Malignant neoplasm of kidney, except renal pelvis" Neoplasm Diagnoses - main ICD10: C67 Malignant neoplasm of bladder Neoplasm Diagnoses - main ICD10: C71 Malignant neoplasm of brain Neoplasm Diagnoses - main ICD10: C77 Secondary and unspecified malignant neoplasm of lymph nodes Neoplasm Diagnoses - main ICD10: C78 Secondary malignant neoplasm of respiratory and digestive organs Neoplasm Diagnoses - main ICD10: C79 Secondary malignant neoplasm of other sites Neoplasm Diagnoses - main ICD10: C80 Malignant neoplasm without specification of site Neoplasm Diagnoses - main ICD10: C82 Follicular [nodular] non-Hodgkin's lymphoma Neoplasm Diagnoses - main ICD10: C83 Diffuse non-Hodgkin's lymphoma Neoplasm Diagnoses - main ICD10: C85 Other and unspecified types of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma Neoplasm Diagnoses - main ICD10: C90 Multiple myeloma and malignant plasma cell neoplasms Neoplasm Diagnoses - main ICD10: C91 Lymphoid leukaemia Neoplasm Diagnoses - main ICD10: C92 Myeloid leukaemia Neoplasm Diagnoses - main ICD10: D03 Melanoma in situ Neoplasm Diagnoses - main ICD10: D04 Carcinoma in situ of skin Neoplasm Diagnoses - main ICD10: D07 Carcinoma in situ of other and unspecified genital organs Neoplasm Diagnoses - main ICD10: D10 Benign neoplasm of mouth and pharynx Neoplasm Diagnoses - main ICD10: D11 Benign neoplasm of major salivary glands Neoplasm "Diagnoses - main ICD10: D12 Benign neoplasm of colon, rectum, anus and anal canal" Neoplasm Diagnoses - main ICD10: D13 Benign neoplasm of other and ill-defined parts of digestive system Neoplasm Diagnoses - main ICD10: D17 Benign lipomatous neoplasm Neoplasm "Diagnoses - main ICD10: D18 Haemangioma and lymphangioma, any site" Neoplasm Diagnoses - main ICD10: D21 Other benign neoplasms of connective and other soft tissue Neoplasm Diagnoses - main ICD10: D23 Other benign neoplasms of skin Neoplasm Diagnoses - main ICD10: D33 Benign neoplasm of brain and other parts of central nervous system Neoplasm Diagnoses - main ICD10: D35 Benign neoplasm of other and unspecified endocrine glands Neoplasm Diagnoses - main ICD10: D36 Benign neoplasm of other and unspecified sites Neoplasm Diagnoses - main ICD10: D37 Neoplasm of uncertain or unknown behaviour of oral cavity and digestive organs Neoplasm Diagnoses - main ICD10: D41 Neoplasm of uncertain or unknown behaviour of urinary organs Neoplasm "Diagnoses - main ICD10: D47 Other neoplasms of uncertain or unknown behaviour of lymphoid, haematopoietic and related tissue" Neoplasm Diagnoses - main ICD10: D48 Neoplasm of uncertain or unknown behaviour of other and unspecified sites Neoplasm Neoplasms Neoplasm Actinic keratosis Neoplasm Lung cancer and mesothelioma Neoplasm Fibroblastic disorders Neoplasm Diagnoses - main ICD10: Z08 Follow-up examination after treatment for malignant neoplasm Neoplasm Diagnoses - main ICD10: Z09 Follow-up examination after treatment for conditions other than malignant neoplasms Neoplasm Diagnoses - main ICD10: Z12 Special screening examination for neoplasms Neoplasm Diagnoses - main ICD10: Z85 Personal history of malignant neoplasm Neoplasm "Non-cancer illness code, self-reported: subarachnoid haemorrhage" Nervous system "Non-cancer illness code, self-reported: encephalitis" Nervous system "Non-cancer illness code, self-reported: meningitis" Nervous system "Non-cancer illness code, self-reported: bell's palsy/facial nerve palsy" Nervous system "Non-cancer illness code, self-reported: spinal cord disorder" Nervous system "Non-cancer illness code, self-reported: peripheral neuropathy" Nervous system "Non-cancer illness code, self-reported: trapped nerve/compressed nerve" Nervous system "Non-cancer illness code, self-reported: multiple sclerosis" Nervous system "Non-cancer illness code, self-reported: parkinsons disease" Nervous system "Non-cancer illness code, self-reported: epilepsy" Nervous system "Non-cancer illness code, self-reported: migraine" Nervous system "Non-cancer illness code, self-reported: spinal injury" Nervous system "Non-cancer illness code, self-reported: peripheral nerve injury" Nervous system "Non-cancer illness code, self-reported: other neurological problem" Nervous system "Non-cancer illness code, self-reported: headaches (not migraine)" Nervous system "Non-cancer illness code, self-reported: carpal tunnel syndrome" Nervous system Fluid intelligence score Nervous system Prospective memory result Nervous system Mean time to correctly identify matches Nervous system Number of fluid intelligence questions attempted within time limit Nervous system Headaches for 3+ months Nervous system Number of correct matches in round Nervous system Number of incorrect matches in round Nervous system Time to complete round Nervous system Number of times snap-button pressed Nervous system Duration to first press of snap-button in each round Nervous system Round of numeric memory test Nervous system Maximum digits remembered correctly Nervous system Number of rounds of numeric memory test performed Nervous system Time to answer Nervous system Duration screen displayed Nervous system Number of attempts Nervous system Final attempt correct: no Nervous system Final attempt correct: yes Nervous system Attempted fluid intelligence (FI) test. Nervous system FI1 : numeric addition test Nervous system FI2 : identify largest number Nervous system FI3 : word interpolation Nervous system FI4 : positional arithmetic Nervous system FI5 : family relationship calculation Nervous system FI6 : conditional arithmetic Nervous system FI7 : synonym Nervous system FI8 : chained arithmetic Nervous system Pain type(s) experienced in last month: Headache Nervous system Transient global amnesia Nervous system Fibromyalgia related co-morbidities Nervous system Diagnoses - main ICD10: G35 Multiple sclerosis Nervous system Diagnoses - main ICD10: G40 Epilepsy Nervous system Diagnoses - main ICD10: G43 Migraine Nervous system Diagnoses - main ICD10: G44 Other headache syndromes Nervous system Diagnoses - main ICD10: G51 Facial nerve disorders Nervous system Diagnoses - main ICD10: G56 Mononeuropathies of upper limb Nervous system Diagnoses - main ICD10: G57 Mononeuropathies of lower limb Nervous system Bell's palsy Nervous system Carpal tunnel syndrome Nervous system Cerebral palsy and other paralytic syndromes Nervous system Demyelenating diseases of the central nervous system Nervous system Intracranial trauma Nervous system Diseases of the myoneural junction and muscle Nervous system "Nerve, nerve root and plexus disorders" Nervous system Inflammatory diseases of the central nervous system Nervous system Other degenerative diseases of the nervous system Nervous system Lesion of plantar nerve Nervous system Polyneuropathies and other disorders of the peripheral nervous system Nervous system "Other and unspecified polyneuropathies, also in other diseases" Nervous system Lesion of ulnar nerve Nervous system Extrapyramidal and movement disorders Nervous system Diagnoses - main ICD10: G62 Other polyneuropathies Nervous system Diagnoses - main ICD10: G81 Hemiplegia Nervous system Diagnoses - main ICD10: G93 Other disorders of brain Nervous system Ganglion Nervous system Radiculopathy Nervous system Diagnoses - main ICD10: R25 Abnormal involuntary movements Nervous system Diagnoses - main ICD10: R26 Abnormalities of gait and mobility Nervous system Diagnoses - main ICD10: R29 Other symptoms and signs involving the nervous and musculoskeletal systems Nervous system Diagnoses - main ICD10: R41 Other symptoms and signs involving cognitive functions and awareness Nervous system Diagnoses - main ICD10: R51 Headache Nervous system "Diagnoses - main ICD10: R56 Convulsions, not elsewhere classified" Nervous system Diagnoses - main ICD10: S64 Injury of nerves at wrist and hand level Nervous system "severe traumatic brain injury, does not include concussion" Nervous system Snoring Respiratory "Non-cancer illness code, self-reported: asthma" Respiratory "Non-cancer illness code, self-reported: chronic obstructive airways disease/copd" Respiratory "Non-cancer illness code, self-reported: emphysema/chronic bronchitis" Respiratory "Non-cancer illness code, self-reported: bronchiectasis" Respiratory "Non-cancer illness code, self-reported: other respiratory problems" Respiratory "Non-cancer illness code, self-reported: sleep apnoea" Respiratory "Non-cancer illness code, self-reported: pleurisy" Respiratory "Non-cancer illness code, self-reported: spontaneous pneumothorax/recurrent pneumothorax" Respiratory "Non-cancer illness code, self-reported: pneumonia" Respiratory "Non-cancer illness code, self-reported: bronchitis" Respiratory "Non-cancer illness code, self-reported: nasal/sinus disorder" Respiratory "Non-cancer illness code, self-reported: throat or larynx disorder" Respiratory "Non-cancer illness code, self-reported: chronic sinusitis" Respiratory "Forced expiratory volume in 1-second (FEV1), Best measure" Respiratory "Forced vital capacity (FVC), Best measure" Respiratory Reproduciblity of spirometry measurement using ERS/ATS criteria Respiratory "Forced expiratory volume in 1-second (FEV1), predicted" Respiratory "Forced expiratory volume in 1-second (FEV1), predicted percentage" Respiratory Doctor diagnosed asthma Respiratory Doctor diagnosed emphysema Respiratory Doctor diagnosed chronic bronchitis Respiratory Doctor diagnosed COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) Respiratory Doctor diagnosed bronchiectasis Respiratory Age asthma diagnosed by doctor Respiratory Recent medication for asthma Respiratory Cough on most days Respiratory Years of cough on most days Respiratory Bring up phlegm/sputum/mucus on most days Respiratory Wheeze or whistling in the chest in last year Respiratory Forced vital capacity (FVC) Respiratory Forced expiratory volume in 1-second (FEV1) Respiratory Peak expiratory flow (PEF) Respiratory Used an inhaler for chest within last hour Respiratory Age asthma diagnosed Respiratory Shortness of breath walking on level ground Respiratory "Blood clot, DVT, bronchitis, emphysema, asthma, rhinitis, eczema, allergy diagnosed by doctor: Emphysema/chronic bronchitis" Respiratory "Blood clot, DVT, bronchitis, emphysema, asthma, rhinitis, eczema, allergy diagnosed by doctor: Asthma" Respiratory Childhood asthma (age<16) Respiratory Suggestive for eosinophilic asthma Respiratory "Asthma, hospital admissions 1" Respiratory Asthma-related pneumonia Respiratory Bronchitis Respiratory "COPD, early/later onset" Respiratory COPD differential diagnosis Respiratory COPD related to chronic (opportunist) infections Respiratory Sleep apnoea Respiratory "Respiratory diseases principally affecting the interstitium, IBD co-morbidites" Respiratory ILD differential diagnosis Respiratory Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (attempt to specificity) Respiratory Diagnoses - main ICD10: J02 Acute pharyngitis Respiratory Diagnoses - main ICD10: J06 Acute upper respiratory infections of multiple and unspecified sites Respiratory Asthma Respiratory "Diagnoses - main ICD10: J18 Pneumonia, organism unspecified" Respiratory Diagnoses - main ICD10: J22 Unspecified acute lower respiratory infection Respiratory "Diagnoses - main ICD10: J31 Chronic rhinitis, nasopharyngitis and pharyngitis" Respiratory Diagnoses - main ICD10: J32 Chronic sinusitis Respiratory "Diagnoses - main ICD10: J38 Diseases of vocal cords and larynx, not elsewhere classified" Respiratory Diagnoses - main ICD10: J39 Other diseases of upper respiratory tract Respiratory Diagnoses - main ICD10: J44 Other chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Respiratory Diagnoses - main ICD10: J45 Asthma Respiratory Diagnoses - main ICD10: J47 Bronchiectasis Respiratory Diagnoses - main ICD10: J84 Other interstitial pulmonary diseases Respiratory "Diagnoses - main ICD10: J90 Pleural effusion, not elsewhere classified" Respiratory Diagnoses - main ICD10: J93 Pneumothorax Respiratory Diagnoses - main ICD10: J98 Other respiratory disorders Respiratory Other ILD-related CVD-co-morbidities Respiratory Bacterial pneumonia (organism specified) Respiratory Pneumonias (Asthma/COPD co-morbidities) Respiratory Medication related adverse effects (Asthma/COPD) Respiratory Other pulmonary diagnosis Respiratory Diagnoses - main ICD10: R04 Haemorrhage from respiratory passages Respiratory Diagnoses - main ICD10: R05 Cough Respiratory Diagnoses - main ICD10: R06 Abnormalities of breathing Respiratory Diagnoses - main ICD10: R91 Abnormal findings on diagnostic imaging of lung Respiratory Diagnoses - main ICD10: T17 Foreign body in respiratory tract Respiratory Vocal cord dysfunction Respiratory Diseases of the respiratory system Respiratory